Udacity Design of Computer Programs (in progress!)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Design of Computer Programs


Program Development Steps

  • Requirement to build a program is given
  • Understand problem
    • Example - Poker
      • Want Poker Program that returns highest ranking hand given a list of hands
  • Specify specification
    • Hands List
      • Returns Hand belonging to a Player (i.e. 2 Pair)
      • Hand consists of Cards
        • Card has Rank (i.e. 9) and Suit (i.e. Clubs)
    • Hand Quality
      • Maps Hand to Hand Type
      • Hand Type comprises:
        • n-kind (i.e. 3 of a Rank or Suit)
        • straights (i.e. 5 of a Rank)
        • flush (i.e. 5 of a Suit)
    • Data: Hand, Card, Rank, Suit
    • Operations: Get Hand, Hand Quality
  • Design solution using code style
    • Functional Style (Advanced) vs Sequential Style (Basic) https://github.com/ltfschoen/PythonTest/practice/square_sums.py
    • Design Representation
      • Hands
['JS', 'JD', ...]               # GOOD
[(11, 'S'), (11, 'D'), ...]     # GOOD
set(['JS', 'JD', ...]           # BAD - Not good if using multiple decks of cards as cannot have duplicates
"JS, JD, 2S ..."                # BAD - Unnecessary operations to manipulate

* * Create Prototype with Pseudocode * Lexigraphic Ordering for Ranking with Tuples

# rank of hand, higher quantity of same, lower quantity of same
# i.e. KH KD KS KC 2D > 4H 4D 4S 4C 1C
(7, 13, 2) > (7, 4, 1)

* * Flush Hand example * Break the Ties - List of all cards in hard (highest first) * Tie breaker - If another player has same cards in different suit

# i.e. 10D, 8D, 7D, 5D, 3D
(5, [10, 8, 7, 5, 3])

* * Straight Hand example

# rank of hand, highest card of straight sequence
# i.e. JD, 10D, 9H, 8C, 7D
(4, 11)

* * Three of a Kind example * Break the Ties - List of all cards in hand

# rank of hand, rank of three of kind, list of cards to break ties
# i.e. 7D, 7H, 7C, 5D, 2H
(3, 7, [7, 7, 7, 5, 2])

* * Two of a Kind example * Break the Ties - List of all cards in hand

# rank of hand, higher two of kind, lower two of kind, 
# list of cards ordered highest to lowest to break any tied hands
# i.e. JD, JH, 3D, 3H, KD
(2, 11, 3, [13, 11, 11, 3, 3])
Written on February 5, 2016