Ruby (in progress!)
Note: Based on Programming Ruby book
- Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 : The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Programming Ruby Book Summary
Interactive Ruby Shell
- Start with
- Show warnings with
flag (i.e.ruby -w - "Hi"
) - to enable warnings, read program from STDIN and pass param - Show irb threads with
- Create irb subsessions with
fg 1
(fg <session_id>
) and return to parent sessionfg 0
- Create irb subsessions within a class to edit it or an instance (i.e.
irb MyClassName
) - Check current session
- Exist subsession
- Kill irb threads
kill 1,2,3
- Load files with
load 'file/subdirectory/myfile.rb'
- Tab Completion (press
to see method options after start typing) - Show IRB History of commands
cat ~/.irb-history
- Create
to customise IRB
Executable Ruby Programs
- Run plain Ruby file
ruby main.rb
- Run executable file having shebang notation at start of file (i.e.
Ruby Object-Oriented Terms
- Objects are created and manipulated from a Class.
- Entities modelled in code based on real world concepts into categories are represented by Classes (variable state and methods using it)
- Classes define:
- Class Instances (Objects) created derived based on same base Class using Constructor method
- Class Instances have
- Object Identifier (unique)
- Object Instance Variables (Object State)
- Object Instance Methods (invoke by calling method on receiver with message containing method name and parameters)
- Accessibility Constraints
Ruby Code Evaluation, Convention and Styling
- Parentheses used due to precedence rules (i.e.
) - String literals single quote minimal processing (i.e.
) - String literals double quote higher processing (i.e.
)- Substitutes sequences with binary (i.e.
with new line character) - Expresson Interpolation of sequences
- Substitutes sequences with binary (i.e.
- Last expression evaluated in method is returned (i.e.
not required) is Idiomatic Ruby - Naming Conventions:
- Local variables, method parameters/names - start with lowercase letter or
- Global variables - prefix with
- Instance variables (multiword) - start with
) - Class variables - start with
(avoid them as class variables inherited by children propogate upwards if defined first in the child, and are not actually private in the defining class as leakage occurs) - Class/Module names and Constants - start with uppercase letter camelcase (i.e. class
) - Constants - capitalised (i.e.
) - Method names - may end with
(aka Predicate Methods),!
(aka Bang Methods modify receiver in place), or=
- Local variables, method parameters/names - start with lowercase letter or
meansnil.kind_of? Object
=> true
- Constants
- Reference: Programming Ruby book
class Const
def get_const
end # => 100
Const::CONST # => 100
::OUTER_CONST # => 99
Const::NEW_CONST = 123
Ruby Global Symbols
- Refer to pages 314-316 (Exception Info, Pattern Matching Variables, I/O Variables, Environment Variables, Standard Objects, Global Constants) and text Library on page 747 (i.e.
, etc) for interpretation
Ruby Operators
- High to low precedence shown on pages 318
Ruby Expressions
- Chain assignment
a = b = c = 0
Ruby Comparables
[1, 2] == [1, 2]
# => true
Ruby Object IDs
- Fixnums have odd object_id. Bignum have even object_id
- Smallest Bignum is 4611686018427387904
(4611686018427387903..4611686018427387904).each { |i| puts "Number #{i} has:\n\tObject ID: #{i.object_id}\n\tData Type: #{i.class}" }
Ruby Standard Types
- Numbers
- Floating-point numbers do not always have exact internal representation and calling Integer method on inexact value truncates rounding down. Overcome by adding 0.5 before calling Integer method to round up instead.
- Use
for financial calculations - Integers outside a certain range are automatically stored/converted in objects of class Bignum
- Integers may have optional leading base indicator (i.e. decimal
0d200 == 200
) - Underscores ignored in digit strings so may use as comma (i.e.
100_000_000 == 100000000
) - All numbers are objects and respond to various messages (i.e.
) - Expressions with strings containing only numbers must be explicitly converted to number (i.e.
v1 = "5"; Integer(v1)
) - Operations applied to two numbers of different class Type result in a value of the more general one (i.e. integer+float # => float)
library used to return most natural representation (i.e.5/7
# => 5/7) - Strings
- Escape sequences supported between single quotes
(or delimiters%q{...}
)'escape "\\"' == %q{escape "\\"}
# => escape “"'luke\'s'
# => luke’s - Escape sequences supported between double quotes
(or delimiters%Q{...}
)"#{'a '*3}" == %Q{#{'a '*3}}
# => a a a - Interpolated
puts "#{ def my(a) a; end; my('test')}"
- here document
string = <<END_OF_STRING my string END_OF_STRING
Default String Encoding (Ruby 2) is UTF-8
# => # - Character Constants
Strings of length 1 and created by preceding with a question mark (i.e.
) - String Idioms (Common)
strip trailing new lines\n
from file line read"2:33".split(/:/)
to use RegEx and split string around defined charactersqueeze!
to alter string in place trimming off repeated characters (i.e.x.squeeze!(" ")
breaks string into chunks based on specified RegEx pattern (i.e. one or more digits) - Ranges (as Sequences, Conditional Expressions, or Intervals)
- Range objects only contain references to two objects. Converting large range to an array may use much memory
- Sequences have Start and End points and produce successive values in sequence
- Sequences (Inclusive) uses range operators
) - Sequences (Excludes high value) uses range operators
) - Check if specific value is in Sequence
range = 0..9; range.include?(5)
# => true - Find max value in Sequence
range = 0..9; range.max
# => 9 - Filter Sequence
range = 0..9; range.reject {|i| i < 5 }
# => [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] - Accumulator on Sequence
range = 0..9; range.inject(:+)
# => 45 - Convert Sequence to Array
# => [“aaa”, “aab”, “aac”] - Convert Sequence to Enum
# => “aab” - Ranges on Objects must respond to
with next object in sequence and be Comparable using<=>
(returning -1 for less than, 0 for equal to, or 1 for greater than) - Range using Conditional Expression with Match Operator (match position)
name = "luke"; puts name if name =~ /0/ .. name =~ /3/
- Range in Interval
age = gets.to_f
case age
when 0..35 then puts "young"
when 36..100 then puts "old"
when age === 101 then puts "retired"
puts "unknown"
Ruby Booleans
- Values are
if they are notnil
- Value is
is same asand
- Shortcircuit Evaluation
false && true
# => returns first argument offalse
nil && true
# => returns first argument ofnil
true && whatever
# => returns second argument ofwhatever
- No assignment if variable already set
var ||= "whatever"
(i.e. var = “whatever” unless var) - Assignment of var1 value if it is true, otherwise assign var2 value
var = var1 || var2
- Not
not true == !false
# => false - Defined?
defined? nil
# => nil
== - test for equal value (not type)
=== - compare items with target in case
statement when
1.to_f === 1.to_i # => true
1.to_f.eql? 1.to_i # => false
“1”.eql? 1 # => false (matches type and value)
“1”.eql? “1” # => true
“1”.equal? “1” # => false (matches object_id)
“1” <=> 1 # => nil (matches greater than, equal to, or less than)
“1” <=> “1” # => 0
“1” <=> “2” # => -1
“1” <=> “-1” # => 1
Ruby Variables
- Variables hold reference pointing to an object (not the object itself) likely stored in a heap
test1 = "Test1"
puts "#{test1.class}, #{test1.object_id}"
test2 = test1
test2[0] = "B"
puts "Test1: #{test1}, #{test1.class}, #{test1.object_id}. Test2: #{test2}, #{test2.class}, #{test2.object_id}"
test2[0] = "P"
- Parallel Assignement to Swap positions of two variables
a, b = 1, 2
b, a = 2, 1
- Excess elements assigned are discarded
a, b = 1, 2, 3, 4
- Splat RHS expands before assignment
a, b, c, d, e = *(1..5) => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- Splat as greedy LHS
- Only one LHS splat allowed. Soaks up RHS values leaving enough for remaining LHS values
a, *b, c = 1, 2, 3, 4 # a => 1, b => [2, 3], c => 4
- Raw asterisk to Ignore some RHS values
first, *, last = 1,2,3,4,5,6 # first=1, last=6
- Nested Assignment
a, (b,*c), d = 1,[2,3,4],5 # a=1, b=2, c=[3, 4], d=5
Ruby Struct
- Data structure containing attributes (i.e. `, :age, :sex) )
Ruby Arrays
- Arrays hold a collection of references pointing to objects in array index positions
- Array operation
used for indexes is an instance method of class Array and may be overridden by subclasses - Array index are >= 0.
is returned if no object at an index. Providing negative index counts from the end - Arrays allow Integer as key and any Object value
Array Objects (Strings Only) Created and Initialised using Shortcut (i.e.
%w{ 99 a}
) # =>["99", "a"]
- Create and initialise array object using array literal:
a = [1.23, "abc", 123]
- Get class:
- Get array length:
- Get element value at index:
puts "element 1 is #{a[1]}"
- Get element with no value:
a[3] # => nil
- Get range of element values:
a[-2, 2] # => ["abc", 123] # [start, count]
- Get range of element values:
a[-2..-1] # => ["abc", 123]
- Get first n element values;
a.first(2) # => [1.23, "abc"]
- Get last n element values;
a.last(2) # => ["abc", 123]
- Set element values:
a[5] = 2.34 # => [1.23, "abc", 123, nil, nil, 2.34]
- Inspect array:
- Stack implemented using Array:
stack = []
stack.push("a").push("c").pop # => "c"
- FIFO Queue implemented using Array:
queue = []
puts queue # => ["c"]
- Examples:
# generate array where each element is word contained in a sentence string
def words_from_string(string)
Ruby Hash (aka Associative Arrays / Maps / Dictionaries)
- Indexed Data Structure collections of objects accessible using a key
- Hashes allow any Object as key or entry value
Iterating over entries returns in same item order as when added
- Create and initialise hash literal with unique KV mapping:
h = { 'moo' => 'cow', :dog => 'bark' }
- Alternative (Ruby v1.9+):
h = { 'moo': 'cow', dog: 'bark' }
- Create and initialise hash object with default value returned:
h =
h[9999] # => 0
- Get class:
- Get hash length:
- Get element with no value:
# => nil,h[:dog]
# => ‘bark’ - Get element entry value for key:
# => 0
Ruby Symbols
- Symbol literals are always unique and do not require a value. Used for Keys in a Hash
Ruby Control Structures
if elseif else end
_ if _
while _ and _ \ end
_ while _
Ruby Regular Expressions (built-in)
- Ruby uses Onigmo RegEx Library (many extensions over traditional Unix RegEx). Onigmo is extension of Oniguruma regular expression engine.
- RegEx allows Find Pattern Match, Extract String Matching Pattern, Change String Matching Pattern with Substitute
- Create RegEx object pattern between slash character delimiters (i.e. match x or y
) - Match Operator
for negated) to match against a RegEx and return starting position ornil
(i.e.puts 'hello' =~ /lo/
# => 3) - Not Match Operator
- Pass
to a RegEx/\s*\|\s*/
to break string into separate tokens whenever encounter vertical bar symbol - Failure in Pattern Matching returns nil/false
- Match String against Pattern
=~ “xxxlukexxx” - Match Special Character
(i.e. single asterisk) sub
Replace/Substitute First String Matching Pattern and return new string (i.e."luke".sub(/luke/, "james")
Replace/Substitute All (Global) Strings Matching Pattern and return new string (i.e."lukelukepeterjohn".gsub(/luke|john/, "james")
Replace/Substitute All (Global) Strings Matching Pattern modify original string in place ( = "lukeluke"; name.gsub!(/luke/, "james")
)'a\b\c'.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\\\') # => "a\\b\\c"
'a\b\c'.gsub(/\\/) { '\\\\') # => "a\\b\\c"
Note: Use block form ofgsub
so string substitution analysed once during syntax pass only - Escape special characters used in pattern match (i.e.
/\(no\)/ =~ "(no)"
) -
(return character position of match) - RegEx
(returns MatchData Object encapsulating match info or nil) .pre_match
returns string before match.post_match
returns string after match (i.e./mm/.match("aammccdd").pre_match
returns matched portion (i.e./mm/.match("aammccdd")[0]
) - RegEx Options used to Configure pattern matching of strings
- Use characters after terminator for
(RegEx Object Literal) -
Use constants as second parameter of constructor for"mm/dd")
- RegEx Options include:
Case insensitiveo
Substitute oncem
Multiline mode so.
matches any character including new line character (normally ignored)-
Extended mode allows making RegEx more readable - Anchors
match whitespace\S
match non-whitespace\d
match decimal\D
match non-decimal\w
match word\W
match non-word\R
match linebreak (i.e. \r\n)^
only match when pattern at start of line (i.e./^xxno/ =~ "no"
match end of line\A
match start of string\z
match end of string (\Z
matches end of string before \n)\b
match only occurrences at word boundaries (at start or end of a word) (i.e./\be/ =~ "pet eat the"
# => 4 )\B
match only occurrences not at word boundaries (not at start or end of a word) (i.e./\Be/ =~ "pet eat the"
# => 1 )\&
last match\+
last matched group\
string prior to match-
string after match - Character classes
match any in this Set of characters (including special)[A-Fa-f][^0-9]
matches sequence of characters in current UTF-8 encoding (i.e. first instance where two letters are adjacent)[^0-9]
negate matching (i.e. find where is not a letter/[^\w]/ =~ "a a"
matches/(?a)\w+/) =~ "über"
# => ü->ber<- (also/(?d)\W+/) ...
# => ->ü<-ber)?a
matches ASCII only/(?d)\w+/)
# => ü->ber<-?u
matches full Unicode/(?u)\w+/)
# => ->über<- (also note/(?u)\W+/) ...
# => über->.<-)- POSIX characters (corresponding to ctype(3) macros) pattern matched (i.e.
) /p
matches specific encoding characters match Unicode character/\p{Digit}/
matches any character except newline - Intersection
Intersection of characters matched (i.e.[a-f&&[^de]]
) - Alternation
matches construct before or after it, but has low precedence (use RegEx Grouping to override default precedence) - Repetition
- Warning:
always matches as all strings contain zero or more a’s - Greedy (match as much of string as possible)
- Lazy (stop after minimum work performed to achieve task)
matches zero or more occurrences of rr+
matches one or more occurrences of r/ab+/
matches an ‘a’ followed by one or more b’s (not sequence of ab’s)/(an)+/
matches the sequence ‘an’ one or more timesr?
matches zero or one occurrence of rr{m,n}
matches from m to n occurrences of rr{m,}
matches at least m occurrences of rr{,n}
matches at most n occurrences of r-
matches exactly m occurrences of r - Grouping
- Parenthesise stores results of partial pattern matches
- Note: within pattern sequence
is first group match,\2
is second group match, etc - Note: outside pattern use
for same purpose - Note: using MatchData object returned by
allows use of[0], [2], etc
to get subpatterns /red (ball|angry) sky/
# => the ->red angry sky<-- Name a group using
and then subsequently refer to named group with\k<name>
- Mix Group Names and Position-based references (i.e.
/(?<hour>\d\d):(?<min>\d\d)(..)/ =~ "12:45pm"; "Hour #{hour}, minute #{$2}"
# => “Hour 12, minute 45” ) -
used to subsequently refer to Named Captures - Backslash Substitution
puts "luke:schoen".sub(/(\w+):(\w+)/, '\2, \1')
# => schoen, luke-
puts "luke:schoen".sub(/(?<first>\w+):(?<last>\w+)/, '\k<last>, \k<first>')
# => schoen, luke - Commenting Regex
?# comment
- Back References
- Ignored by using
(makes ‘re’ a group without generating back references i.e. $2, $7, etc where find this specific group)
date = "12/25/2016"
date =~ %r{(\d+)(/|:)(\d+)(/|:)(\d+)} [$1,$2,$3,$4,$5] # => ["12", "/", "25", "/", "2016"]
date =~ %r{(\d+)(?:/|:)(\d+)(?:/|:)(\d+)} [$1,$2,$3] # => ["12", "25", "2016"]
- Lookahead
Zero-Width Positive Lookahead extension to match pattern #1 that is followed by another pattern #2, but only want to consume pattern #1 in the match (looks forward for context of match without affecting$&
)- negated form
"luke, schoen, and another".scan(/[a-z]+(?=,)/) # => ["luke", "schoen"]
- Lookbehind
Zero-Width Positive Lookbehind extension (or negated form?<!re
res = []; "joeschoen lukeschoen".scan(/(?<=luke|joe)schoen/) { |word| res << [word, Regexp.last_match.offset(0)[0]] }; p res
- Backreferences using Named Matches
used to subsequently refer to Named Groups (by matching whatever is matched by the subpattern)
timeframe = "12:15-12:45"
# Backreference using numbering
timeframe =~ /(\d\d):\d\d-\1:\d\d/ # => 0
# Backreference using Name Matching
timeframe =~ /(?<hour>\d\d):\d\d-\k<hour>:\d\d/ # => 0
- Negative Backreferences numbers (relative numbers that count backward)
- i.e. match four-letter palindrome
"abba" =~ /(.)(.)\k<-1>\k<-2>/ # => nil
- Invoke Subpattern
re-executes the match in the subpattern (DRY). i.e. in below example it returns match when red, green, or blue is the 1st, 3rd, and 5th word
/(?<color>red|green|blue) \w+ \g<color> \w+ \g<color>/ =~ "red sun blue moon green"
- Recursively invoke backreference pattern in structured RegEx using
# brace expression is an open brace then sequence of zero or more chars or brace expressions (nested parenthesis are not allowed), then a closing brace
regex_valid_syntax = /
\A # from start of string
(?<brace_expression> # create a group named brace_expression
{ # start of the brace_expression
( # zero or more occurrences of parenthesis and inner contents
[^()] # anything but parenthesis inside the braces
| # or
\g<brace_expression> # nested brace expression
\Z # until end of string
/x # allow writing understandable expression with indentation
- Positive Lookahead using Zero-Length Assertions to return overlapping matches
# positive lookahead using zero-length assertions, since matches cannot overlap
evidence = "hackddanger"
guilty_terms = [/danger/i, /hack/i, /ckdd/i]
regex_guilty_terms = /(?=(#{Regexp.union(@guilty_terms)}))/
result = [].tap do |arr|
evidence.scan(regex_guilty_terms) do |x|
arr << [$1, $~.begin(1)]
# alternative syntax: arr << [index, Regexp.last_match.offset(0)[0]]
Ruby Blocks/Closures (similar to Anonymous Functions)
- Blocks are Closures that remember context they are defined in and uses the context when called
- Code Blocks are chunks of code between braces
{ ... }
(single line) ordo ... end
(multi-line) passed around as parameters associated with call to method invocations and callbacks - Implement Block after method call/invocation and other parameters. Methods invoke associated block one or more times using
statement - Blocks are an additional implicit parameter passed to the method
- Variables declared inside block with same name as variables declared beforehand outside block in same scope are the same
- Avoid name conflicts by declaring block-local variables after semicolon in parameter list
a = "a"
["b"].each { |char; a| a = char }
puts a
["b"].each { |char| a = char }
puts a
- Parameters passed to a block are local to the block
def owner(name)
owner('luke') { |name| puts "#{name} owns" }
- Convert Block to an Object by Prefixing last parameter in method definition with ampersand
- When method is called Ruby converts the code block named
to an object of class Proc and assigns it to the method parameter as a variable - Call the
method with parameters (if any) on the Proc object to invoke the code
def pass_in_block(&my_block)
block_as_object = pass_in_block { |my_param1| puts "Parameter1 is #{my_param1}" } # => Parameter 1 is 10
- Example: Pass Multiple Blocks directly into Method
def my_method(condition, large, small)
condition ? :
5.times { |val| my_method(val >= 3, -> { puts "#{val} is large" }, -> { puts "#{val} is small" }) }
- Example: Pass Multiple Args and Block pointer parameter into Method
proc1 = -> (*args, &block) { puts "args = #{args.inspect}"; }, 2, 3) { puts "in block1" }
- Example: Refactor multiple
using Lambda
operator = gets
number = Integer(gets)
if operator =~ /^t/
puts((1..10).collect {|n| n*number }.join(", "))
puts((1..10).collect {|n| n+number }.join(", ")) end
if operator =~ /^t/
calc = lambda {|n| n*number }
calc = lambda {|n| n+number }
puts((1..10).collect(&calc).join(", "))
- Next, Break, Redo
- Add to iterations and blocks
next if el.nil? # skip to next el
# skip el starting with #
break if el[/end/] # shortcut first match or nil
redo if el.gsub!(/`(.*?)`/) { eval($1) } # retry after substitution
Ruby I/O Routine - Simple Interface
- I/O methods for Standard Input/Output for use with filters are implemented in Kernel Module (
) - Output arguments with newline character after each
- Output arguments without newline
- Outputs arguments under control of format string (i.e.
printf("Name: %s,\nAge: %5.2f", "luke", 35.67)
substitutes string and a float with min 5 chars with 2 after decimal point, and embeds a newline) - Outputs of
output to standard output by default - Input read next line from standard input stream
(i.e.puts "old" if gets > 35.to_s
) - Note:
when reaches end of input (i.e.while entry = gets \ print entry \ end
) - Command-Line variable Arguments accessible using array
(i.e. test.rb:puts ARGV.size
, execute:ruby test.rb hi bye
# => 2) - Command-Line filename Arguments accessible using array
- Append object to array and output IO stream
STDOUT << 34 << " Sydney" << "\n"
Ruby I/O Objects
- IO single base class handles input/output
- IO subclasses include:
IO objects provide bidirectional channel b/w Ruby app and external source
returns new File object
- read
/ writew
/ bothr+
- close file ensures buffered data written and resources freed (not guaranteed until garbage collection when exception occurs)
file ="testfile", "r")
invokes block passing opened File as param and closes File when block exits
Benefit: closes file automatically and always ensures buffered data written and resources freed even when exception occurs
Loops for reading file with block
file ="testfile", "r") { |file|
while line = file.gets { puts line }
- Iterators for reading/writing file with block
- Default line ending
appears - Custom line ending
e"testfile") { |file|
file.each_line("e") { |line| puts "Reading #{line.dump}" }
}"testfile", "w") { |file|
file.puts "1 + 1 = #{1+1}"
- Iterators for reading file with block
- I/O source opened for reading with iterator called onces for each line in file and auto closed
IO.foreach("testfile") { |line| puts "Reading #{line.dump}" }
- Iterators for reading file with block and assignment
- Assign entire file retrieved to string or array of lines
str ="testfile")
arr = IO.readlines("testfile")
Objects- Read/write strings (not files)
require 'stringio'
ip ="now is\nthe time\nto learn\nRuby!")
op ="", "w")
ip.each_line { |line| op.puts line.reverse }
op.string # => "\nsi won\n\nemit eht\n\nnrael ot\n!ybuR\n"
Ruby Iterators
) instead offor ... in
for iterating over array passing elements to block
["a", "b"].each.with_index { |element, index| puts "Index #{index} is element: #{element}" }
for iterating over array passing elements to block where new array constructedreduce
applying accumulator to collection returning final value- initial iteration
is set to parameter ofinject
) - subsequent iterations
is set to value returned by previous block call - final value of
is value returned by block the last time it is called
[2,10,10].inject(3) {|accumulator, element| accumulator*element} # => 600
for filtering values from a collectionreject
is opposite ofselect
returns true upon first match in collection for given query
%w( luke claudia ).each { |name| puts name }
2.times { print "*\n" }
1.upto(3) { |i| print i }
50.step(80, 5) { |i| print i }
arr = 50.step(80, 5).to_a
arr.include? 50
('a'..'f').each { |char| print char }
Ruby Language Extensions
# Requires `gem install facets`
require 'facets/proc'
# Proc invocation sugar (note: extends enumerable)
class Proc
def in?(enumerable)
# Compose some (Enumerable) methods
any_nils ={ any?(&:nil?) }
# Tests
puts[1, 2, nil]) #-> true
puts[nil, 2, 3]) #-> true
puts[1, 2, 3]) #-> false
Ruby Enumerators (external Iterators)
- Ruby built-in
class implements external iterators - Create Enumerator object calling
method (orenum_for
in collections) - Iterator Methods using Enumerators
s = "abc"
a = [1, "a"]
h = { earth: "planet", person: "human" }
# Create Enumerators
enum_s = s.each_char
enum_a = a.to_enum
enum_h = h.to_enum
# Loop terminates after iterating over all Enumerator object values
loop { puts "#{}" }
loop { puts "#{}" }
# Enumerator built-in method with item value and index parameters
result = []
enum_s.each_with_index { |item, index| result << [item, index] }
result # => [["a", 0], ["b", 1], ["c", 2]]
# Create Enumerator explicitly
enum_s.enum_for(:each_char).to_a # => ["a", "b", "c"]
- Chains of Lazy Enumerators
- Lazy Enumerator instance returned by calling
on Generator Enumerator to convert it and providing built-in support to filter the infinite sequences (
) generated by an Enumerator. - Lazy Enumerator allows calls (i.e.
) to return as it only consumes values on demand (not infinite sequence of values from Generator Enumerator) - Lazy Enumerator methods chained each return a new enumerator with specific logic applied to input data collection only when requested
# Helper method for Integer class
def Integer.all do |yielder, n: 0|
loop { yielder.yield(n += 1) }
# Lazy filter methods as Procs (Closure) that return new Enumerator objects (for readability and reusability)
# Note: Proc called using `-> (arg1, arg2) { ... }` instead of ` { |params| ... }` or `lambda { |params| ... }` generates error if incorrect number of arguments passed to Proc
# Note: `->` represents Lambda character
# Reference:
multiple_of_three = -> n { (n % 3).zero? }
contain_value_of_two = -> n { n.to_s =~ /2/ }
# Retrieve array containing first 10 multiples of 3
p Integer \
.all \
.select(&multiple_of_three) \
.select(&contain_value_of_two) \
- Blocks to define code to run under Transaction Control
- Simpler and less error prone approach using Blocks rather than Linear code
class FileList
# Class method called by block so files manage their own lifecycle
def self.open_and_process(*args)
f =*args)
yield f
print "Error opening and processing file"
print "File opened and processed without error"
f.close() unless f.closed?
contents = []
FileList.open_and_process("file_list/testfile", "r") { |file| while line = file.gets; contents << line; end }
Ruby Object-Oriented System Design of Classes
- O-O Class Designs representing External Things:
- Identify resources to deal with using Class entities
- Represent each captured input data reading as a generated Class Instance Row
- Represent all captured input data as collection of all Class Instance Objects
- Decide Internal State (Class Instance Variables) and use
method to setup Object in usable state - Decide External State of Object (Attributes) appearance from outside Class to users (exposed using Attributes aka Getter/Setter Methods) that use the initialized state
- Decide on other actions for Class (regular Class Instance Methods) that use the initialized state
- O-O Class Designs Pattern to representing Internal Things:
- Problem Statement A: we want to represent data for each Person on Earth
- What does the representation? PeopleOnEarth class
- Problem Statement B: we want to 1) consolidate and 2) summarise data feed inputs from CSV files
- What does consolidation data? CsvReader class
- What does summarising data? CsvReader class
- Problem Statement C: we want to parse data from CSV
- What does parsing data from CSV? Ruby CSV Library
- Note: Create a PeopleOnEarth Object by extracting data from columns of each CSV row we iterate over and append the PeopleOnEarth Object Instance to a Class Instance Variable that was created in the initialize method
- O-O File Organisation:
- Organise source code into multiple Class files and a main driver program file
- Benefits: Separate files instead of monolithic in same file to ease automated tests and ease class reuse
O-O Class Access Control
- Control access to Class Instance Object Methods to control changes to its state
- Expose Logical Class Interface and hide details of implementation (prevent usage that causes tight coupling)
- Do not expose methods that may cause invalid Object state
- Create Class Definition
class PeopleOnEarth
# Initialize Object. Transfer and store parameter information in Local Instance Variables when constructed to set Object State before initialize returns
# Store unique State within Class Instance Object in distinct set of Local Instance Variables @
def initialize(name, age)
@name = name
# Accept any object for age parameter that converts to a Float otherwise raise Exception
@age = Float(age)
# Stored Instance Variables are available to Instance Methods of Class Instance Objects
def to_s
"Name: #{@name}, Age: #{@age}"
- Create Class Instance Object of class PeopleOnEarth and Set Object’s State with distinct identity
- Ruby allocates memory to hold uninitialised object
- Ruby calls the object’s initialize method passing parameters given to
a_person ="luke", 35)
- Pass a Class Instance Object to
method that callsto_s
to get string representation - Without Overriding
Instance Methodp a_person
# =><PeopleOnEarth:0x007f8b3285fe20>
puts a_person
# =><PeopleOnEarth2:0x007fc4db892388 @name="luke", @age=35.0>
- With Override of
Instance Methodp a_person
# => Name: luke, Age: 35 - Override default implementation of
to improve rendered formatting of objects
Ruby Methods - Object Attributes to Access/Manipulate Object State
- Instance Variable Internal State is Private to a Class Instance Object
- Attributes of an Object are Externally visible (Public)
- Default values for method arguments
def my_method(arg1="luke", arg2=arg1)
- Value returned by method is the last statement executed by it
statement exits current method or loop- Passing Hash as argument to a method does not require braces (i.e. `my_method(:arg1, arg2_hash_key1: “hi”, arg2_hash_key2: “bye”)) if preced splat and block arguments
- Parallel assignment to collect return value (i.e.
return a, b
,a, b = my_method
) - Splat an Argument to capture multiple arguments (in Array) assigned to single parameter
def my_method(arg1, *other_args)
- Useful when not using inheriting arguments from superclass
class Child < Parent
def inherited_method(*not_used)
# local processing
- Double Splat
to send/receive as Hash (Single Splat*
only receives as Array)collect extra arguments passed as options to a function as a hash parameter
def my_method(arg1, arg2, arg3: 0, **arg_other1)
p [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg_other1]
options = { arg3: 100, arg_other3: "c", arg_other2: "b", arg_other1: "a" }
my_method(:arg2, :arg1, options) # => [:arg2, :arg1, 100, {:arg_other3=>"c", :arg_other2=>"b", :arg_other1=>"a"}]
- Expand Collections in Method Calls using Splat
def my_method(a, b, c, d, e, f)
p "#{a} #{b} #{c} #{d} #{e} #{f}"
my_method("a", *[1,2], *[2..4]) # => "a" 1 2 2 3 4
Ruby Methods - Object Accessor Method Common Idiom and Shortcut (Getter)
- Accessor Methods Long Way to access and return values of Instance Variables
def name
def age
a_person ="luke", 35)
- Accessor Methods Shortcut
- Ruby decouples Class Instance Variables and Accessor Methods
creates Accessor Methods so variables do not need to be declared- Uses Symbols to conveniently reference the name
with value accessed withname
attr_reader :name, :age
Ruby Methods - Object Attributes (Setter Methods)
- Both Read and Write Accessattr_reader
- Read-only Access-
- Write-only Access - Create Ruby method with name ending with
as target for assigning to Class Object Instance Variable
attr_accessor :age
def age=(new_age)
@age = new_age
# invoke Setter Method in the PeopleOnEarth Class Object Instance passing new age as argument
a_person.age = a_person.age + 1
puts "New Age: #{a_person.age}"
- Assign to Instance Variable using Method Chaining
def <<(new_rating)
@new_rating = new_rating # allow method chaining
- Instance Method accepts Array where last element contains value assigned when called
def []=(*params)
@group[params.pop] = params
c =
c[1,2] = :group_b
puts c # => { :group_b => [1,2] }
Ruby Methods - Object Virtual Attributes (Setter Methods)
- Virtual Attribute Methods create Virtual Instance Variables (hiding implementation and difference b/w Class Instance Variables and Calculated Values so outside class they appear like ordinary attribute but having no internal Class Instance Variable)
- Benefit: Uniform Access Principle - Internal Class implementation changes do not impact and require changes to code using the Class
- Note: Floating-point numbers do not always have exact internal representation and calling Integer method on inexact value truncates rounding down. Overcome by adding 0.5 before calling Integer method to round up instead.
- Note: Use
for financial calculations
def age_in_months
Integer(age*12 + 0.5)
External Dependencies
# load library external standard CSV dependency
require csv
# load custom Class dependency (from file in same directory)
require_relative 'people_on_earth'
Access Control
- Note:
method is always Private - Note: Methods are Public by default
Note: Access control determined dynamically as program runs (not statically)
- Public Methods - No access control
- Protected Methods - Only invokable by any Class Instance Object of defining class and associated subclasses
Private Methods - Only callable in context of current calling object receiver (
) - Approach #1 - Set default access control of subsequently defined methods
class MyClass
def method1
protected # or private/public
def method2
- Approach #2 - Set default access control of named methods listed as arguments to access control function
class MyClass
def method1
def method2
def method3
def method4
# public, protected, or private
public :method1, method2
protected :method3
Ruby Sharing Functionality
- Avoid duplicating functionality (DRY codebase)
- Generic functionality to inject across different classes
- Ruby is Single-Inheritance language as a Ruby class has only one direct parent
Ruby provides controlled multiple-inheritance-like capability when Ruby classes include functionality of any number of Mixins
- Class-Level Inheritance
- Disadvantage is tight coupling
- Inheritance allows creation of subclasses (child of parent superclass)
- Child inherits capabilities of parent class including methods
- Calling
sends a message to the parent of the current object requesting to invoke method of same name and passing parameter - Object-Oriented programming requires subclasses to ensure inherited initialisation gets run with a call to
in initialise method of subclass
class Parent
def public_parent_method
puts "public_parent_method of #{self}"
def protected_parent_method
puts "protected_parent_method of #{self}"
def private_parent_method
puts "private_parent_method of #{self}"
class Child < Parent
c =
- Mixins (using Modules) and Metaprogramming
- Modules are not a class and do not have instances
references a Module.require
first when Module in separate fileinclude
Module in class definitions to make Module Instance Methods available to classmodule_function <module_method_name>
to access Module instance methods directly from outside module- Mixins that require their own state to be stored should be written as a class
Design with flexible Mixins/Metaprogramming uses Composition and avoids tight coupling of Class-level Inheritance
- Pub/Sub Observable O-O Design Pattern
Clone instance
shallow copies an object instance- does copy instance variables of object
- does copy tainted state of obj
- does NOT copy frozen object state
- does copy frozen object instance variable state
- does copy any associated singleton class
- does NOT copy objects they reference
does shallow copy and but only allows non-granular changes to reflect back on original
Duplicate instance
shallow copies an obj (duplicates just the state of an object)- does copy instance variables of obj
- does copy tainted state of obj
- does NOT copy frozen object state
- does copy frozen attributes of instance variables
- does shallow copy and but only allows non-granular changes to reflect back on original
- does not copy any associated singleton class
- does NOT copy objects they reference
Ruby Shell Commands (Command Expansion)
- Enclose string in Backquotes (aka Backticks) or Delimiters
i = 1
%x{ls -al}
by Defaut causes the operating system to execute the enclosed command with the value returned being the standard output without newlines stripped
Ruby Exceptions (Begin, Raise, Rescue, Retry, Ensure, End)
- Exceptions package error info into
object that propogates up calling stack to find code that handles the type of exception Exceptions
hierarchy of built-in child exception classes may be used (see page 146 text)- Custom exceptions by subclassing built-in class
- Exception handling by enclosing code that could raise exception in
block withrescue
clauses handling exception types
@toggle = 0
@toggle += 1
p "Toggle is: #{@toggle}"
# Multiple exceptions to catch in process
if @toggle == 1 || 2 then
p "Processing #{@toggle}"
raise Exception
elsif @toggle == 3 then
p "Processing #{@toggle}"
raise StandardError
elsif @toggle == 4 then
p "Processing #{@toggle}"
raise "Bad error 4"
elsif @toggle == 5 then
p "Processing #{@toggle}"
# Caller method produces stack traces and removes two routines by passing subset of call stack to new exception
raise ArgumentError, "Bad number 5", caller[1..-1]
elsif @toggle > 5 then p "Done #{@toggle}"
else p "Done #{@toggle}"
# Ruby compares raised exception against each `rescue` clause in turn
# until match is found using `parameter === $!` (or superclass) since exceptions are classes
# that are kinds of Module that has a `===` method returning true if match is descendant.
# Default match is StandardError to handle an error
rescue StandardError => err # Local variable declared to receive matched exception (instead of $!)
p "Error: " + err
rescue Exception
p "Exception is #{$!}" # Reference to Exception object in global variable $!
# Add code here to assist in filtering exceptions
# Pass exceptions unable to handle to higher-levels in error processing hierarchy
if (@toggle == 0) then
p "Found 0"
raise if !@toggle.nil? # Intercept and re-raise current exception (or RuntimeError if no current exception)
elsif (@toggle == 1 || @toggle == 2) then
@toggle = rand(2..10)
# Guaranteed to run code
p "Finished"
- System Errors
- Raised when call to OS returns error code and wrapped in Ruby object i.e.
(list of codes on Unixman errno
Ruby Exceptions (Catch, Throw)
- Escape nested code during normal processing
def prompt_user(prompt)
p prompt
res = readline.chomp
throw :requested_exit if res == "q"
catch :requested_exit do
name = prompt_user("Name: ")
age = prompt_user("Age: ")
Ruby Network
Socket Library (TCP, UDP, SOCKS, Unix Sockets, writing servers)
Example: Create Local Web Server using HTTP
require 'socket'
client ='', 'www')
client.send("OPTIONS /~LS/ HTTP/1.0\n\n", 0) # 0 is standard packet
puts client.readlines
- Example: Read HTML and list Images at a Webpage using library
instead ofnet/http
method recognizes http:// and ftp:// URLs in filename- handles redirects automatically (except https)
- error handling
- reports “Not Found” errors (i.e. 404)
require 'open-uri'
open('') do |f|
puts<img alt=".*?" src="(.*?)"/m).uniq[0,3]
- Example: Parse HTML using library
leveraging RegEx
require 'open-uri'
page = open('').read
if page =~ %r{<title>(.*?)</title>}m # RegEx with forward slash
puts "Title is #{$1.inspect}"
- Example: Parse HTML using Nokogiri
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
puts "Page title is " + doc.xpath("//title").inner_html
Ruby Fibers, Multi-Threading, Multi-Processes
- Simple asymmetric (plain old) Coroutine mechanism with Fibers
- Programmer schedules (instead of VM) to create a code block that may be paused and resumed like threads
- Lightweight primitive for concurrency
- Controlling app generates Fibers, suspends them at points and passes control back to resume
- Previously we would use regular block yield
- Allows write program that appear to use threads without complexity of using threading
Fibers that transferred control to another Fiber cannot be yield and resume until control is transferred back
- Example: Read File, Find Words, and Count Words
words = do
File.foreach("testfile") do |line|
line.scan(/\w+/) do |word|
Fiber.yield word.downcase
counts =
while word = words.resume
counts[word] += 1
counts.keys.sort.each {|k| print "#{k}:#{counts[k]} "}
- Full Fibers mechanism by extending Fiber class with Fiber Library
- Co-routine control structure provides full symmetrical co-routines for decoupling
- Control when scheduled. Initial Fiber state is suspended. Runs block when resumed until block finishes or hits a Fiber.yield and yields back to code that resumed it.
- Fiber objects given instance methods
(allows transfer control to other fibers) andalive?
method -
Fiber class given
singleton method - (DEPRECATED) Continuations Library (like threads)
records state of app (current binding) between requests and resumes from it in futurecontinuation
objects generated bycallcc
method of the Continuation Librarycontinuation
objects hold return address and execution context allowing non-local return to end ofcallcc
block from elsewhere in app
Multi-threading to split tasks in same program (decouple execution)
- Risk: Ruby extension libraries are mostly not thread safe (since ritten for old threading model)
- Mitigation: Ruby compromises by using native OS threads using only a single thread at a time (never runs Ruby code truly concurrently)
- Possible: Thread running some Ruby code on say Thread #1 while I/O on another Thread #2
- Note: Post-Ruby 1.9 threading performed by the operating system and multiple processors (and multi-cores of single processor)
Note: Pre-Ruby 1.9 known as Green Threads (threads switched within interpreter) { |val| ... }
is passed a param and given code block to run in new thread it creates.- Local variables by pass
to block asval
local to thread since we do not want other threads to use the same variable print "#{val}\n"
syntax should be used inside thread block (instead ofputs
to prevent interleaving)- Call
to block calling thread until requested thread completes and before program terminates (since all threads are otherwise killed regardless of state when program terminates) - Thread timeout param to
to not block forever and return nil if expires before thread terminates - Call
to block calling thread until requested thread returns value of last statement executed by it - Call
to show current thread - Call
to list all thread objects - Call
to show thread status -
to change thread priority - Control Thread Scheduler (Advanced)
- Call
to run specific thread - Call
to stop thread -
to deschedule thread allowing others to run - Share local thread variables with other threads by treating Thread object as a hash and access variables by name
- Write local variables by indexing current thread object for sharing
Thread.current[:myvar] = myvar_value
- Race condition possible if multiple threads set this variable
- Race condition avoided by synchronising access to shared resources (i.e. variables being used)
- Joining to thread that has raised an exception raises the exception in the thread performing the joining
- Write local variables by indexing current thread object for sharing
- Threads and Exceptions
flag (disabled default) determines how deal with thread raising an unhandled exception. Default is to kill thread but without callingjoin
the exception is not logged-
flag of interpreter (with-d
) to kill main thread on unhandled exceptions - Mutex (prevent Race Conditions)
- Create synchronised regions of code that only one thread may enter at a time (to prevent race conditions)
- Analogy - Pass to control access queue for threads trying to access resource. Mutex locks so only one thread at a time.
provides shortcut by automatically locking mutex, running block, and unlocking mutex. Mutex unlocks even if exception thrown when lockedtry_lock
claims a mutex lock on a resource only if it is currently unlocked (print status message if not) to avoid suspending current thread if it is not-
to temporarily unlock a mutex that you are holding - Pattern #1
mutex =
- Pattern #1 - Shortcut using
mutex =
mutex.synchronize { ... }
- Example
- Rate class caches values from online feed and background thread
- Updates cache every hour (taking 1 minute)
- Use
when cannot claim mutex that protects the rate object -
Main thread meanwhile interacts with user
- Queue and SizedQueue Class (of Thread Library) for synchronising between producers and consumers
- Thread-safe queuing mechanism
- Multiple threads may add/remove objects from each queue (guaranteed atomic)
(unbound queue capacity)-
(defined capacity) - Conditional Variables (of Thread Library)
Control communication of events or conditions between different threads (i.e. Thread #1 listens for Thread #2 to signal event)
- Monitor-protected regions vs Mutex-protected regions
- Mutex-protected regions can NOT be re-entered by the same thread.
Monitor-protected regions CAN be re-entered by the same thread.
- TODO - Additional multi-threading links including use of MonitorMixin
Multi-processes spawning and management to split tasks across different programs
- Multi-core CPU processing
Run separate process not written in Ruby
- New Process Spawning
- System approach but command output goes to programs output
echo 'system("ls")' | ruby
- Backticks approach executes command in subprocess and captures its standard output
method withfork
runs command piped parent and subprocess and connects it to STDIN. Ruby IO object can read it on STDOUT. The PID of the process may be obtained withIO#pid
Performance Testing
- Ruby Profiler
require 'profiler'
or-r profile
Ruby Gems
- RubyGems can be libraries for use in app code.
- RubyGems can install utility programs for invoking from command line (or wrappers around libraries in the gem) but they are not versioned
- Show where Ruby installed
ruby -e 'puts $:'
shows where Ruby installed - Find Gems
RubyGems tool is built in to Ruby so gems may be used as librariesgem query --details --remote --name-matches <gem_name>
to search remote central gem repo for a Gem matching RegExgem list --details --remote --all <gem_name>
to show list of available versions of gem-
gem list
shows gems on local box - RubyGems RDoc Documentation (gems, dependencies, descriptions)
gem environment gemdir
to show documentation main directory, documentation is located under subdirectory/doc
gem server
to run server with docs, and go to http://localhost:8808/ - Use specific version of gem using multiple predicates
gem 'builder', '> 1.0', '< 1.5.6; require 'builder' # major.minor.patch_level
is boxed version operator for version >= specified and < specified version after increasing its minor version by 1
- Automation tool for task management
- Package code as a Rake “task” (code for rake to execute)
- Rake searches for a
containing definitions for tasks to run desc
rake method provides single line of documentation for the tasktask
rake method defines rake task as a parameter (symbol) to execute from command line- “Compose” a task using Rake that depends on other tasks to be run first (pass task method
a Ruby hash with task name key and value is array of tasks) - Rakefiles may contain ruby methods to eliminate duplication i.e.
def ... end
- Rake task named
is run byrake
with no parameters -
rake -T
- Find tasks implemented by Rakefile with a description - TODO - try use Rake to rebuild a file when another changes, and to package gems
Sake library
- Allows Rake tasks to be available regardless of current directory
Thor library
- Write Ruby CLT
Juwelier (prev Jeweler) & Bundler library
- Juwelier library creates new project skeleton using below layout guidelines and includes Rake tasks to help create and manage project as a gem
- Bundler utility manages gems used by any Ruby app
Ruby Extension Creation
Ruby Namespaces (partitioning names)
- Preventing naming clashes (using Classes and Modules to partition names in programs)
- Organising source files
Double Colon is Ruby Namespace resolution operator (i.e.<class_or_module>::<constant_in_class_or_module>
)- Note: Class and Module names are just Constants
Ruby Source File (organisation) & Package Development (by package developers)
- Split source code into separate part and files so automated tests can load source code files without the program itself running
- Store source code at specific locations in the file system
- Ruby conventions of the RubyGems system suggest:
- Split source code into one CLI file and the rest in various library files
main/ # top-level module (prevents polluting top-level Ruby namespace with our class names)
bin/ # cli
doc/ # documentation
ext/ # C-language extensions
lib/ # lib files (comprises only classes that are used by the cli or other users)
options.rb # i.e. Main::Options is self-contained with minimal dependencies and testable
test/ # test files
GemSpec # info about project for RubyGems (lowercase gem name, x.y.z version)
LICENSE # license distributed under
README # what it does
Ruby Distribution and Installation of Code (GemSpec for RubyGems)
- RubyGems package management system (Gems) - dependency and installation management
- GemSpec file is information for RubyGems about project that isn’t in directory structure
- Create packaged
file for distribution when GemSpec file is completegem build ___.gemspec
- Install the gem
sudo gem install pkg/___-x.y.z.gem
- Show details about installed gem
gem list ___ -d
- Share gem publicly from RubyGems main public server repo
- Push gem to RubyGems
gem push ___-x.y.z.gem
- Search for gem on RubyGems
gem search -r ___
- Install remote RubyGem
gem install ___
- Show details about all installed gems
gem list --details
- Avoid other users having to use same flags as you to run code
Avoid other users having to use library files located in random directories (not a standard Ruby location)
- Want standard installation structure
- Installation script distributed with code that copies app components to appropriate directories of target system
Ruby Encodings
Allow code to work overseas where different character encodings are used so Ruby knows how to interpret characters in the file
- Ensure notify Ruby when source file not written in 7-bit ASCII (encoding is attribute of source file)
- If first line of file is a comment (or second line if shebang on first line) then Ruby scans for string
(i.e.# encoding: utf-8
) - If start of file has UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM)
it assumes file is UTF-8 - Return encoding of current source file with
- Show encoding of a string literal in code i.e.
str = "cat"; # => UTF-8
- Create arbitrary UTF-8 encoded string literals using
escape (i.e.a = "\u{3c0}" # => π; a.bytes.to_a; a.bytesize
) - Data streams containing binary data using ASCII-8BIT (dangerous encoding for source files)
- Convert a string between different encodings and supply placeholder char to use when no direct translation possible
- Convert from binary data without changing byte contents of string using say
- Multiple encodings
# encoding: utf-8
utf_string = "olé"
iso_string = utf_string.encode("iso-8859-1", :undef => :replace, :replace => "???")
Ruby I/O Encoding and Transcoding
Ruby programs run with concept of Default External Encoding (default external encoding used by I/O objects unless overridden upon I/O object creation)
- Example:
- Default External Encoding is UTF-8 on OSX stored in ENV[“LANG”]
printenv LANG # => en_AU.UTF-8
orecho $LANG
. All file I/O is UTF-8 by default unless overridden - View current Default External Encoding
ruby -e 'p' # => "UTF-8"
- View current Default Internal Encoding
ruby -e 'p Encoding.default_internal' # => nil
Query External Encoding of I/O object using
f ="/myfile"); p "#{f.external_encoding}"; l = f.gets; p "#{l.encoding}"
- Force External Encoding when open I/O object by overriding mode string
f ="/myfile", "r:ascii")
- Force Ruby to Transcode (change encoding) of data read/written by applying two encoding names in mode string so strings tagged with correct encoding and mapping (i.e.
) on input to what OS expects so data transcoded from first to second on read and the other way on write (i.e.f ="/myfile", "r:iso-8859-1:utf-8")
) - Open file with Binary data in ruby using binary flag to select 8-bit clean ASCII-8BIT encoding, using binary as alias for the encoding
f ="/myfile", "rb:binary")
- Set Default External Encoding of I/O objects:
ruby -E utf-8 -e 'p' "UTF-8"
- Set Default External Transcoding (
)of I/O objects:ruby -E sjis:iso-8859-1 -e 'p'
Ruby Web Dev
- Embedded Ruby (eRuby aka .erb) in HTML is equivalent to ASP, JSP, or PHP tools but instead using Ruby
<% ... %> # execute only
<%= ... %> # execute and replace with output
<%# ... %> # comment
% # just Ruby code
Ruby Frameworks
- Build own framework on top of Rack independent of underlying web server (i.e. Sinatra, Grape )
Ruby Duck Typing
- “Duck Typing” in Ruby is defining the “Type” of an object by what it can do, not by its class
- Convenient for testing (instead of type checking in code)
- More flexible methods that accept variety of inputs that work as long as inputs support operators used in method to achieve output
Example: Avoid garbage collection delays by breaking results into manageable tasks and combining at the end
- Dynamic Typing Systems - Ruby uses this so not required to declare types of variables or methods
- Static (aka Strong) Typing Systems - explicitly declare typing
- Not required when use common sense (“type safety” often illusionary)
- Use short methods so variable scope is limited and testing to prevent error propogation
Conversion Functions
See page 350 (i.e.
, etc) - Ruby Conversion Types:
- Loose coercion
- Strict coercion
- Numeric coercion
Ruy Type Coercions
- Shorthand equivalencies (Ruby passes Proc object in
method as a block and coerces it into a Proc object by sending it toto_proc
message) - Disadvantage is that shorthand takes longer in benchmarks than explicitly coded block, so use expanded version for performance critical code
[1,2,nil].any?(&:nil?) is shorthand for:
[1,2,nil].map(&:nil?).any?, which is shorthand for:
Numeric Coercion (Double Dispatch)
method checks and guarantees receiver and parameter is of Class that will result in same Class so may be operated on- Receiver calls
method of its param to generate array.
- Metaprogramming Dfn: Writing code that writes code. Building layers of abstractions.
- Metaprogramming Ruby Goal: Create new DSL (expressing concepts needed to solve a problem) abstractions integrated into host language
- Metaprogramming Techniques: Create Metaprogramming Idioms that simplify code using underlying Ruby principles
Higher levels of abstraction (i.e. Ruby) allow coding closer to target domain of application development
- Ruby object components
- Flags
- Instance variables (state)
Ruby Class (object of class “Class”) with Method definitions and superclass reference
- Current object
Method calls without explicit “receiver” uses
as receiver (with method lookup process up class inheritance hierarchy chain up to Object, which mixes in module Kernel) - Singleton methods created cause Ruby to generate a Singleton Class (anonymous) between the object itself and its superclass
singleton = class << Kernel
def self.blah; p "blah"; end
singleton.singleton_methods # => [:blah, :constants, :nesting]
singleton.inspect # => "#<Class:Kernel>"
singleton.blah.is_a? Kernel # => true
singleton.instance_of? Kernel # => false
singleton.instance_of? Object # => false
singleton.instance_of? Class # => true
- Access class-level instance variables by invoking attr_accessor (defines setters/getters) in the singleton class
class MyClass
@var = 1
class << self
attr_accessor :var
puts "Original value = #{MyClass.var}" # => 1
MyClass.var = 2
puts "New value = #{MyClass.var}" # => 2
- Modules behave like Classes due to side-effect of Ruby
- See page 367 of book for diagram
- Ruby creates a new anonymous “proxy” class object when a module is included in a class #1, and makes it a superclass of class #1, and sets the superclass of the anonymous class to be the original superclass of class #1
Changes to the module are therefore reflected down the inheritance chain
is similar toinclude
but methods in prepended module take precedence over those in host class-
Disadvantage is that these are global changes and may break existing code. “Refinements” are required
“Refinements” are defined in a module
block that packages a set of changes activated withusing
to classes that use it without affecting other code outside the source file extend
(equivalent toself.extend
) adds instance methods of a module into a singleton class of a particular object in the superclass chain of a particular object that it may lookup- Example adding extend at class level to make modules methods class methods of particular class
module MyClass
def my_method
"#{self} hi!"
class MyClass2
extend MyClass
Macros are methods that expand into something bigger (i.e.
) -
Singleton class hierarchy parallels the Regular class hierarchy
Module has an instance method
that is available in all Module and Class definitions -
Kernel methods may be called without a receiver (i.e. in IRB,
is a Kernel method)
up to page 372
- TODO - Project
- Refinements (extend libraries without breaking)
- Thor (create command line library
- Example:
- GemSet (create using Bundler or Juwelier and submit to
Chapter 2 - Dashing App Ruby Guides
- Scope
- Local Variables
- View
- Blocks create a New Scope, but loops do not
- Calling an undefined Variable
. Ruby assumes desire to call Method with that name. - Calling an existing Variable
when Method with same name exists. Ruby assumes Local Variable.- Call Variable with
- Call Method with
(explicit receiver) or with parenthesisblah()
- Call Variable with
- Expressions should be in Order (i.e. ensure not calling non-existant Method)
- View
- Instance Variables
- Shared across Methods of same Object
- Classes have Instance Variables since Classes are Objects
is prefix for Instance Variables (otherwise are Local Variables)initialize
in-built Class Method used to Initialize Instance Variablesnil
value for Uninitialized Instance Variables- Getter Method used to Access value Set by
Method only for same Object
- Class Variables
- Shared between Class, Subclasses, and associated Instances
is prefix for Class Variables- Update Class Variable (stored in Parent) using Setter in Parent or Child Object shares update.
- Global Variables
- Shared everywhere
is prefixed for Global Variablesnil
value for Uninitialised Global Variable
- Local Variables
- Assignment (aka Setter) Method
- Methods behave like Assignment for Class or Instance Variables
def x=(x)
syntax- Receiver Class or Instance Variable required otherwise assumes assigning to local variable
(i.e. within Setter use syntax
to set receiver)
- Attribute Accessor (Shorthand to Getter and Setter)
attr_accessor :value
- Variable Info
- Assignment (Shorthand)
- Shortcuts
same as_ = _ + _
(i.e.a || a = 0
) makes assignment only if value isnil
(i.e.a = a || 0
) makes assignment only if value was NOTnil
- Array Assignment
- Implicit Array Assignment
a = 1, 2, 3
or[1, 2, 3]
- Implicit Array Assignment
- Multiple Assignment
a, b = 1, 2; p a: a, b: b # {:a=>1, :b=>2}
- Splat Assignment (only one allowed)
a, *b = 1, 2, 3 # p a: a, b: b # prints {:a=>1, :b=>[2, 3]}
- Decomposition of Array Assignment
a, (b, *c), *d, (e, f) = 1, [2, 3, 4], 5, 6, [7, 8] p a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f # prints {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>[3, 4], :d=>[5, 6], :e=>7, :f=>8}
- Shortcuts