
The thing that frustrates me about politics is that you get this polarised debate of left vs right or at a more ideological level it’s capitalism vs communism vs socialism vs marxism. But all of those presuppose government as a necessary evil. It’s as though people can’t comprehend a reality that would work without hierarchies and top-down, centralised power structures. NEW MESSAGES nathanwaters - Today at 6:01 PM Blockchain opens up potential decentralised futures. Though traditionally the idea of a zero-government society is “owned” by anarchists and libertarians… and so left moderates, socialists and marxists tend to dismiss blockchain decentralism… not realising you can still have a decentralized society with distributed power to the people and the same social systems built in. And for right wing conservatives decentralism offers zero taxes, free market choice and small autonomous government. Should be a win for the entire spectrum… /2c :)

Written on July 14, 2017