Machine Learning DataQuest (in progress!)

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  • Chapter 1 - Machine Learning

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Chapter 1 - K-Nearest Neighbors using Regression

  • Project - AirBnB
    • STEP 1: Problem definition
      • Given Core product (i.e. AirBnB) is marketplace for renting from others where renters search and select from listings and may filter by price, qty bedrooms, etc. Host price is linked to dynamics of marketplace
      • Goal:
        • Use data (on local listings) to predict optimal value (price) to use using Machine Learning
        • Determining optimal rental price without being:
          • Above market price (renters select cheaper alternatives)
          • Below market price (miss potential revenue)
      • Strategy
        • Find similar listings (1-3)
        • Average list price calculate
        • Set our list price to the average
      • Process and Technique
        • Machine Learning - K-Nearest Neighbors
          • Dfn: used to find patterns in existing data to make a prediction
        • Machine Learning Model is a function that outputs prediction based on the input to the model
    • STEP 2: Evaluate Raw Data
      • Find relevant data
        • Primary: Check if data (i.e. on listings in marketplace) from Core product (i.e. AirBnB) is available
        • Secondary: Check elsewhere for datasets that extract data on samples of listings (i.e. of a major cities on AirBnB website)
          • Example Data provider
          • Sample Dataset (in .csv.gz format)
      • Filter only relevant data columns (so manageable)
        • Cleanse
        • Aggregate
        • Remove unnecessary columns
    • STEP 3: Import Data Set into Python using Pandas
      • Unzip .gz gzip data gunzip ___.csv.gz OR gzip -d ___.csv.gz
      • Switch to Anaconda dev env with data science libraries installed source activate aind or pip3 install pandas
      • Open Python interpreter python3
      • Import into Pandas to familiarise
        • Ref:
          • Pandas Dataframe.iloc
          • Pandas read_csv ``` import pandas as pd

        # Read dataset (.csv format) into a Dataframe of Pandas # Reference:

        df1 = pd.read_csv(‘listings.csv’, header=0, nrows=1)

        # OR df1 = pd.read_csv(‘http://www.__/listings.csv’, header=0, nrows=1)

        # Show dataset (first row) df1.head() # OR print(df)

        # ALTERNATIVE (using from_csv) # Note from_csv uses first column as the index df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(‘listings.csv’, header=0)

        # Show first two rows (i.e. 0:2) with first column (i.e. 0) # using slicing df2.iloc[0:2, 0]

        # Show first two rows with “name” column df2.iloc[0:2][“name”] ```

      • Answer:
          import pandas as pd
          dc_listings = pd.read_csv('dc_airbnb.csv', header=0)
    • STEP 4: Build Machine Learning Model by Apply Strategy of K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm and Rank the existing living spaces by similarity (i.e. by ascending distance values)
      • Apply strategy of K-Nearest Neighbor to:
        • Select the number (i.e. k) of similar listings to compare with (i.e. scatter plot for k = 3 the Price vs Qty Bedrooms)
        • Calculate similarity of each listing in dataset (i.e. table with Price vs Qty Bedrooms) with our proposed unpriced listing (i.e. table with Price ?, Bedrooms 1)
        • Rank (order) each listing in dataset by a Metric (Similarity) (i.e. 3 Bedrooms lower rank than 1 Bedroom? OR …).
        • Select the first k listings from ranked/ordered list
        • Calculate mean/average rental list price (of the k similar listings).
        • Set our listing price to be the average price found
      • TODO - Define:
        • Optimal k value
          • How to choose Optimal value of k?
      • Assumptions:
        • Use k = 5 value for this example
      • Metric (Similarity) Setup
        • Compares fixed set of numerical features (aka attributes/columns in dataset) between 2x observations (i.e. rental living spaces)
        • Predict continuous value (i.e. price) using the Metric (Similarity) of Euclidean Distance with general formula (to break down the Euclidean Distance between two observations in a dataset using only specific columns)
            d = sqrt( (q1-p1)^2 + (q2-p2)^2 + ... + (qn-pn)^2 )
            where q1 to qn - represents a feature(table column) values for Observation P
            where p1 to pn - represents a feature(table column) values for Observation Q
        • Optimal Value of Euclidean Distance
          • Lowest value possible is 0 (since takes absolute value), which occurs when value of “feature” is exactly the same between both data sets (i.e. when q1 == p1), so the closer the output value is the closer the living spaces
      • Simple Machine Learning Workflow may use just one feature (Univariate case)
          d = sqrt( (q1-p1)^2 )
      • Create Metric (Similarity) by calculating the Euclidean Distance for the Univariate case of just the accommodates feature, of just the first living space in data set (i.e. first row) and our own living space (i.e. accommodates 1-3 bedrooms, unpriced listing)
        • Answer:
            import numpy as np
            import math
            # Fetch dataset
            dc_listings = pd.read_csv('dc_airbnb.csv', header=0)
            # Access first row of DataFrame as Series from given data set
            # and access specific "feature" (column) value
            first_dc_listing_feature_accommodates = dc_listings.iloc[0:1]["accommodates"][0]
            my_listing_feature_accommodates = 3
            first_distance = math.sqrt(abs(first_dc_listing_feature_accommodates - my_listing_feature_accommodates)**2)
      • Create Metric (Similarity) by calculating the Euclidean Distance for the Univariate case of just the accommodates feature, of ALL the living space in data set (i.e. ALL rows) and our own living space (i.e. accommodates up to 3 bedrooms, unpriced listing)
        • Answer (note that below only takes Absolute value):
            import numpy as np
            import math
            # Fetch dataset
            dc_listings = pd.read_csv('dc_airbnb.csv', header=0)
            my_accom = 3
            dc_listings["distance"] = dc_listings["accommodates"].apply(lambda x: abs(x - my_accom))
    • STEP 5 - Randomising and Sorting
      • Answer:
          import numpy as np
          import math
          def calc_euclidean_dist(val1, val2):
              return int(math.sqrt(abs(val1 - val2)**2))
          # Fetch dataset
          dc_listings = pd.read_csv('dc_airbnb.csv', header=0)
          my_accom = 3
          dc_listings["distance"] = dc_listings["accommodates"].apply(lambda x: calc_euclidean_dist(x, my_accom))
          dc_listings = dc_listings.loc[np.random.permutation(len(dc_listings))]
          dc_listings = dc_listings.sort_values("distance")
    • STEP 6 - Average Price
      • Answer:
          import numpy as np
          import math
          def calc_euclidean_dist(val1, val2):
              return int(math.sqrt(abs(val1 - val2)**2))
          # Fetch dataset
          dc_listings = pd.read_csv('dc_airbnb.csv', header=0)
          my_accom = 3
          dc_listings["distance"] = dc_listings["accommodates"].apply(lambda x: calc_euclidean_dist(x, my_accom))
          dc_listings = dc_listings.loc[np.random.permutation(len(dc_listings))]
          dc_listings = dc_listings.sort_values("distance")
          def clean_price(dataframe):
              def replace_bad_chars(row):
                  row = row.replace(",", "")
                  row = row.replace("$", "")
                  row = float(row)
                  return row
              dataframe["price"] = dataframe["price"].apply(lambda row: replace_bad_chars(row))
              return dataframe
          dc_listings = clean_price(dc_listings)
          mean_price = dc_listings.iloc[0:5]["price"].mean()
    • STEP 7 - Function to Predict
      • Answer:
          import numpy as np
          import math
          # Brought along the changes we made to the `dc_listings` Dataframe.
          dc_listings = pd.read_csv('dc_airbnb.csv')
          stripped_commas = dc_listings['price'].str.replace(',', '')
          stripped_dollars = stripped_commas.str.replace('$', '')
          dc_listings['price'] = stripped_dollars.astype('float')
          dc_listings = dc_listings.loc[np.random.permutation(len(dc_listings))]
          def calc_euclidean_dist(val1, val2):
              return int(math.sqrt(abs(val1 - val2)**2))
          def compare_observations(obs1, obs2):
              return obs2.apply(lambda x: calc_euclidean_dist(x, obs1))
          def sort_dataframe_by_feature(dataframe, feature):
              return dataframe.sort_values(feature)
          def predict_price(new_listing):
              temp_df = dc_listings
              temp_df["distance"] = compare_observations(new_listing, dc_listings["accommodates"])
              # Sort temp_df by distance column
              temp_df = sort_dataframe_by_feature(temp_df, "distance")
              # Select first 5 values in price column.
              # Calculate the mean of these 5 values and use that as the return value for the entire predict_price function.
              mean_price = temp_df.iloc[0:5]["price"].mean()
              ## Complete the function.
              return mean_price
          # Note: Assume "price" column already cleaned
          acc_four = predict_price(4)
          acc_five = predict_price(5)
          acc_six = predict_price(6)
    • STEP 8: Evaluate a Machine Learning Model’s Performance (test quality of model)
      • Steps
        • Split dataset into 2x partitions
          • Training Set - contains majority of rows (75%)
          • Test Set - contains remaining minority of rows (25%)
        • Train/Test Validation Process (used to “understand” the validation process, but it’s not the most robust process available
          • Dfn:
            • Training Set used to make predictions
            • Test Set used to predict values for
          • Purpose of Validation:
            • Ensure Machine Learning Model makes good predictions on new data by selecting an Error Metric
          • Use Training Set rows to predict “price” value for rows in Test Set
            • Add “predicted_price” column to Test Set
          • Compare “predicted_price values in Test Set with Actual Test Set values to check accuracy of predicted values
      • Answer:
          import pandas as pd
          import numpy as np
          dc_listings = pd.read_csv("dc_airbnb.csv")
          stripped_commas = dc_listings['price'].str.replace(',', '')
          stripped_dollars = stripped_commas.str.replace('$', '')
          dc_listings['price'] = stripped_dollars.astype('float')
          train_df = dc_listings.iloc[0:2792]
          test_df = dc_listings.iloc[2792:]
          def predict_price(new_listing):
              temp_df = train_df
              temp_df['distance'] = temp_df['accommodates'].apply(lambda x: np.abs(x - new_listing))
              temp_df = temp_df.sort_values('distance')
              nearest_neighbor_prices = temp_df.iloc[0:5]['price']
              predicted_price = nearest_neighbor_prices.mean()
          test_df["predicted_price"] = test_df['accommodates'].apply(lambda x: predict_price(x))
    • STEP 9: Error Metrics
      • Dfn: Error Metric quantifies level of inaccuracy between predicted values and actual values (i.e. price) for rental listing living spaces in test dataset
      • Mean Error (NOT EFFECTIVE) involves calc difference between each predicted and actual value and then averaging differences (NOT EFFECTIVE, since treats positive difference differently from negative difference, whereas we want in both directions)
      • Mean Absolute Error (MAE) sums the absolute value of each difference between predicted and actual value divided by total count of values to get the mean
          MAE = |(actual1 - predicted1)| + ... + |(actualn - predictedn)| / n
        • Answer:
            import pandas as pd
            import numpy as np
            dc_listings = pd.read_csv("dc_airbnb.csv")
            stripped_commas = dc_listings['price'].str.replace(',', '')
            stripped_dollars = stripped_commas.str.replace('$', '')
            dc_listings['price'] = stripped_dollars.astype('float')
            train_df = dc_listings.iloc[0:2792]
            test_df = dc_listings.iloc[2792:]
            def predict_price(new_listing):
                temp_df = train_df
                temp_df['distance'] = temp_df['accommodates'].apply(lambda x: np.abs(x - new_listing))
                temp_df = temp_df.sort_values('distance')
                nearest_neighbor_prices = temp_df.iloc[0:5]['price']
                predicted_price = nearest_neighbor_prices.mean()
            test_df["predicted_price"] = test_df['accommodates'].apply(lambda x: predict_price(x))
            test_df["diff"] = test_df.apply(lambda x: np.absolute(x['price'] - x['predicted_price']), axis=1)
            mae = test_df["diff"].mean()
      • Mean Square Error (MSE) sums the squared value of each difference between predicted and actual value divided by total count of values to get the mean
        • Benefits:
          • Penalises predicted values further from the actual value more that those closer to actual value
          • Better than MAE
              MSE = (actual1 - predicted1)^2 + ... + (actualn - predictedn)^2 / n
        • Answer:
            import pandas as pd
            import numpy as np
            dc_listings = pd.read_csv("dc_airbnb.csv")
            stripped_commas = dc_listings['price'].str.replace(',', '')
            stripped_dollars = stripped_commas.str.replace('$', '')
            dc_listings['price'] = stripped_dollars.astype('float')
            train_df = dc_listings.iloc[0:2792]
            test_df = dc_listings.iloc[2792:]
            def predict_price(new_listing):
                temp_df = train_df
                temp_df['distance'] = temp_df['accommodates'].apply(lambda x: np.abs(x - new_listing))
                temp_df = temp_df.sort_values('distance')
                nearest_neighbor_prices = temp_df.iloc[0:5]['price']
                predicted_price = nearest_neighbor_prices.mean()
            test_df["predicted_price"] = test_df['accommodates'].apply(lambda x: predict_price(x))
            test_df["diff"] = test_df.apply(lambda x: (x['price'] - x['predicted_price'])**2, axis=1)
            mse = test_df["diff"].mean()
    • STEP 10: Train Another Model
      • Dfn: So far we only trained Model #1 “accommodates” column with MAE and MSE results. Training another Model #2 “bathrooms” column and then comparing its MSE with Model #1 to see better performance on relative basis. Lower the MSE (better) means gap between actual and predicted “price” is lower, so:
        • Model with lower MSE is better predictor of price on a relative basis (i.e. “predicted price” relative to “bathrooms” or “predicted price” relative to “accommodation” (but does not determine if model performance good enough in general, since MSE metric units are squared so use RMSE instead, i.e. $ squared, so does not give intuitive sense of how far off the model predicted prices are from the actual price)
      • Answer:
          train_df = dc_listings.iloc[0:2792]
          test_df = dc_listings.iloc[2792:]
          def predict_price(new_listing):
              temp_df = dc_listings
              temp_df['distance'] = temp_df['bathrooms'].apply(lambda x: np.abs(x - new_listing))
              temp_df = temp_df.sort_values('distance')
              nearest_neighbors_prices = temp_df.iloc[0:5]['price']
              predicted_price = nearest_neighbors_prices.mean()
          test_df['predicted_price'] = test_df['bathrooms'].apply(lambda x: predict_price(x))
          test_df['squared_error'] = (test_df['predicted_price'] - test_df['price'])**(2)
          mse = test_df['squared_error'].mean()
    • STEP 11: Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
      • Dfn:
        • Error metric with units matching base unit of the target feature/column (i.e. “price” dollars) since is calculated as sqrt of MSE:
            RMSE = sqrt(MSE)
      • Benefit:
        • RMSE value for a model is a reflection of the predicted value (i.e. if model RMSE is >100 then expect predicted price value to be off by $100)
    • STEP 10: Compare MAE, MSE, RMSE
      • MSE - linear growth in individual errors (i.e. prediction off by $10 has 10x higher error than a prediction that’s off by $1)
      • RMSE - quadratic growth in individual errors (so different effect on final RMSE value than individual errors in MSE do)
      • RMSE - penalises large errors more than MAE
      • MAE is better than RMSE from interpretation standpoint since RMSE does not describe average error alone
      • RMSE has advantage over MAE of not undesirably avoiding taking absolute value
      • RMSE increases with variance of the frequency distribution of error magnitudes
      • RMSE gives high weight to large errors so more useful when large errors undesireable
      • Answer:
          errors_one = pd.Series([5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10])
          errors_two = pd.Series([5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 1000])
          mae_one = errors_one.sum()/len(errors_one)
          rmse_one = np.sqrt((errors_one**2).sum())/(len(errors_one))
          MAE_ONE is 7.5
          RMSE_ONE is 1.86338998125
          mae_two = errors_two.sum()/len(errors_two)
          rmse_two = np.sqrt((errors_two**2).sum())/(len(errors_two))
          MAE_TWO is 62.5
          RMSE_TWO is 55.5840204855
           Note: TWO
               * MAE to RMSE ratio of 1:1
        • Note:
          • Errors One
            • MAE to RMSE ratio of 4:1
          • Errors Two
            • MAE to RMSE ratio of 1:1
          • Outliers
            • Note that only difference is one extreme value of 1000 in errors_two instead of 10
          • Expected Results
            • Expected the RMSE value to be much less than MAE in general since RMSE takes sqrt of the squared errors.
      • Comparing the MAE to RMSE Ratio helps understand if “outliers” exist that cause large but infrequent errors. Always expect the ratio to be ~4:1
    • STEP 11:
      • Issue comparing just two columns:
        • Comparing just two columns (i.e. “accommodates” and “bathrooms”) indicates that the “bathrooms” column is more accurate), but is still not sufficient enough to predict the best model features to obtain the most accurate output, since there are other important factors such as “crime” in area, etc
      • Improve accuracy of model options (i.e. decrease RMSE during validation)
        • Increase qty attributes/features (i.e. columns) the model uses to calculate “Similarity” when ranking nearest-neighbors
          • Warning (ensure column data type normalised for input to Euclidean Distance equation)
            • Convert non-numeric values to numeric (i.e. city/state)
            • Substitute value for missing values
            • Convert non-ordinal values to ordinal (i.e. latitude/longtitude to low or high)
          • STEP 1: Drop columns temporarily if they contain non-numeric, or non-ordinal, or data not entirely relevant (i.e. host ratings that aren’t specific to describing the living space or listing itself) and retain the Remaining Columns
          • STEP 2: Show any columns that have any rows that contain NaN values
              space                            20.04
              description                       0.03
              neighborhood_overview            33.68
              notes                            54.02
              transit                          30.49
              thumbnail_url                     0.89
              medium_url                        0.89
              xl_picture_url                    0.89
              host_location                     0.16
              host_about                       25.79
              host_response_time               11.66
              host_response_rate               11.66
              host_acceptance_rate             16.49
              host_neighbourhood                7.04
              neighbourhood                     9.48
              neighbourhood_group_cleansed    100.00
              zipcode                           0.24
              property_type                     0.03
              bathrooms                         0.73
              bedrooms                          0.56
              beds                              0.30
              square_feet                      97.80
              weekly_price                     42.95
              monthly_price                    51.46
              security_deposit                 61.70
              cleaning_fee                     37.28
              first_review                     22.29
              last_review                      22.29
              review_scores_rating             23.31
              review_scores_accuracy           23.50
              review_scores_cleanliness        23.53
              review_scores_checkin            23.53
              review_scores_communication      23.42
              review_scores_location           23.42
              review_scores_value              23.42
              license                          99.97
              jurisdiction_names                0.70
              reviews_per_month                22.29
          • STEP 3: fix any missing values
            • Cols with large >= 30% missing rows
              • Remove whole column (since removing missing rows loses too many observations from dataset)
            • Cols with small < 1% missing rows
              • Retain column, but remove missing rows/observation
        • Increase k (qty of nearest-neighbors the model uses to compute the prediction)
      • Answers:
        • Part 2
            remove_non_numeric_columns = ["room_type", "city", "state"]
            remove_non_ordinal_columns = ["latitude", "longitude", "zipcode"]
            remove_out_of_scope_columns = ["host_response_rate", "host_acceptance_rate", "host_listings_count"]
            remove_columns = remove_non_numeric_columns + remove_non_ordinal_columns + remove_out_of_scope_columns
            # Return new object with labels in requested axis removed (i.e. axis=1 asks Pandas to drop across DataFrame columns)
            dc_listings.drop(remove_columns, axis=1, inplace=True)
        • Part 3
            remove_high_missing_columns = ["cleaning_fee", "security_deposit"]
            dc_listings.drop(remove_high_missing_columns, axis=1, inplace=True)
            retain_column_remove_missing_rows = ["bedrooms", "bathrooms", "beds"]
            dc_listings.dropna(axis=0, how="any", subset=retain_column_remove_missing_rows, inplace=True)
    • STEP 12: Normalise Columns
      • Issue Since in the first few Rows some Columns the values vary between say 0 and 12, whereas in other Columns they vary say 4 and 1825 . If these Columns are used in K-Nearest-Neighbors Model the attributes could have outsized effect on the Euclidean Distance calculations due to the size of the values * i.e. if observations of two living spaces had same across all attributes except one had maximum_nights of 1825, whilst others had 4, then the overall Euclidean distance would be impacted by the outsized effect.
      • Solution
        • Normalise all the columns to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1, in order to prevent any single column having too much impact on the distance calculation (preserve distribution of values whilst aligning scales). Normalise values in a column to the Standard Normal Distribution by:
          • Subtracting mean of the Col from each value
          • Divide each value by Col’s std deviation
              i.e. col_val = (col_val - col_mean) / col_std_dev
        • Answer: Part 4
            normalized_listings = (dc_listings - dc_listings.mean())/(dc_listings.std())
            normalized_listings['price'] = dc_listings['p
    • STEP 13: Train a Multivariate K-Nearest Neighbors Model
      • Use TWO attributes both “accommodates” and “bathrooms” (Multivariate Case) to determining similarity between 2 living spaces
      • Euclidean Distance Equation between 2 living spaces using 2x attributes:
          d = sqrt( (accom1-accom2)^2 - (bath1-bath2)^2 )
      • SciPy has a function scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean to calculate the Euclidean distance (between two rows/observations in dataset) between two 1-dimensional (array-like object) vectors U and V represented using list-like object (i.e. Python list, NumPy array, or Pandas Series) where each Vector has same qty elements
        • Answer Part 5
            from scipy.spatial import distance
            # Create Series object by selecting Row 0 of Cols "accommodates" and "bathrooms"
            # Series object required to be passed to SciPy euclidean() function
            first_listing = normalized_listings.iloc[0][['accommodates', 'bathrooms']]
            fifth_listing = normalized_listings.iloc[4][['accommodates', 'bathrooms']]
            # Calculate Euclidean distance between Rows 0 and 5 using
            # the SciPy distance.euclidean() function
            first_fifth_distance = distance.euclidean(first_listing, fifth_listing)
    • STEP 14: Scikit-Learn
      • Dfn: Replace manual calculation of K-Nearest-Neighbors Models with more productive Scikit-Learn Python Machine Learning library to handle implementation of algorithms for Data Scientists for Training and Testing different models on new datasets.
      • Scikit-Learn Workflow** Steps:
        • 1 Instantiate specific Machine Learning Model to use
          • Identify Scikit-Learn Model Class to create Instance of (i.e. KNeighborsRegressor class of type sklearn.neighbors Nearest Neighbors)
          • Implement Scikit-Learn Model as separate Class
          • Model types used include:
            • Regression Model Class (i.e. listing “price”) help predict numerical values KNeighborsRegressor
            • Classification Model Class help predict a label from fixed set of labels
          • Instantiate an empty Model calling the constructor where according to the documentation its defaults are
            • where algorithm is used to compute Nearest Neighbors
              • If auto is used, Scikit-Learn tries Tree-based Optimisations instead
            • where p corresponds to Euclidean distance (n_neighbors=5, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', # OR ball_tree, kd_tree, brute leaf_size=30, # p=2, ...)
            • Implementation: from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm="brute", p=2)
        • 2 Fit the Model to Training data
          • Fit the Model to the data using the fit method
              >>> X = [[0], [1], [2], [3]]
              >>> y = [0, 0, 1, 1]
              >>> from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
              >>> neigh = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=2)
              >>> # Fit the model using X as training data and y as target values
              >>> #   where X is matrix-like object containing DataFrame "feature" columns to use from Training dataset
              >>> #     (i.e. "matrix-like" means:
              >>> #           flexible method input accepting either a DataFrame or NumPy 2D array of values)
              >>> #   where y is list-like object containing Target values (array of Float values)
              >>> #     so for this we select the Target Column from the DataFrame
              >>> #     (i.e. "list-like" means:
              >>> #           flexible method input accepts NumPy array, Python list, or Panda Series object (e.g. when selecting a column))
              >>>, y)
              >>> print(neigh.predict([[1.5]]))
              [ 0.5]
          • E.g.
              # Split full dataset into Train and Test sets.
              train_df = normalized_listings.iloc[0:2792]
              test_df = normalized_listings.iloc[2792:]
              # Matrix-like object, containing just 2 columns of interest from Training set.
              train_features = train_df['accommodates', 'bathrooms']
              # List-like object, containing just Target Column, `price`.
              train_target = normalized_listings['price']
              # Pass everything into fit method.
              # Scikit-Learn stores the Train data (to use to make Predictions) within the KNearestNeighbors instance `knn`
              # Warning: DO NOT pass in data containing the following else Error occurs:
              #   - Missing values
              #   - Non-numerical values
    , train_target)
        • 3 Use Model to make Predictions
          • Scikit-Learn’s predict method makes Predictions of the Target based on the provided Training data stored in the KNearestNeighbors instance
            • predict has one required parameter X, which is
              • Parameters - Matrix-like object, containing “feature” Columns (Test samples) from dataset to make Predictions on
              • Returns - NumPy Array of int, representing Target values (i.e. Predicted “price” values for the Test set)
                  predictions = knn.predict(test_df['accommodates', 'bathrooms'])
            • Important Ensure qty “feature” Columns used during Training and Testing match else Scikit-Learn returns Error
          • Calculate MSE using Scikit-Learn instead
            • Previously done manually with Pandas arithmetic operators to compare each predicted value with actual value from price column of Test set
            • Instead use Scikit-Learn’s MSE Regression Loss sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None, multioutput='uniform_average')
              • mean_squared_error() function accepts 2 inputs:
                • List-like object representing True (actual) values
                • List-like object representing Predicted values using the Model
        • 4 Evaluate accuracy of Predictions
      • Answer Part 7
          from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
          # Split full dataset into Training and Testing sets
          train_df = normalized_listings.iloc[0:2792]
          test_df = normalized_listings.iloc[2792:]
          Scikit-Learn Workflow
          # Step 1: Create instance of K-Nearest-Neighbors Machine Learning Model class
          knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='brute', p=2)
          # Step 2: Fit the Model using by specifying data for K-Nearest-Neighbor Model to use:
          #   - X as Training data (i.e. DataFrame "feature" Columns from Training data)
          #   - y as Target values (i.e. DataFrame's Target Column)
          # X for `fit` function is matrix-like object, containing
          # just 2 columns of interest from Training set (to use to make Predictions).
          train_columns = ['accommodates', 'bathrooms']
          X = train_df[train_columns]
          # y for `fit` function is list-like object, containing
          # just Target Column, `price`.
          train_target = 'price'
          y = train_df[train_target]
          # X and y are passed into `fit` method of Scikit-Learn.
          # Warning: DO NOT pass in data containing the following else Error occurs:
          #   - Missing values
          #   - Non-numerical values
, y)
          # Scikit-Learn's `predict` function called to make Predictions on
          # the 2 Columns of test_df that returns a NumPy array of Predicted "price" values
          predictions = knn.predict(test_df[train_columns])
      • Answer Part 8
          from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
          import math
          train_columns = ['accommodates', 'bathrooms']
          knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='brute', metric='euclidean')
[train_columns], train_df['price'])
          predictions = knn.predict(test_df[train_columns])
          # Calculate MSE float values for each individual Target, where least loss "best" values are 0
          two_features_mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], predictions, multioutput='raw_values')
          # Calculate RMSE
          two_features_rmse = math.sqrt(two_features_mse)
      • Answer Part 9
          import math
          train_columns = ['accommodates', 'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'number_of_reviews']
          from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
          knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='brute')
[train_columns], train_df['price'])
          four_predictions = knn.predict(test_df[train_columns])
          # Calculate MSE float values for each individual Target, where least loss "best" values are 0
          four_mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], four_predictions, multioutput='raw_values')
          # Calculate RMSE
          four_rmse = math.sqrt(four_mse)
      • Answer Part 10
          knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='brute')
          features = train_df.columns.tolist()
[features], train_df['price'])
          all_features_predictions = knn.predict(test_df[features])
          all_features_mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], all_features_predictions)
          all_features_rmse = all_features_mse ** (1/2)
    • STEP 15: FEATURE SELECTION - Exclude Columns from Training that increase RMSE
      • Using ALL features/columns as Training Columns may actually increase the RMSE value (bad as more outlier errors causing prediction accuracy of K-Nearest Neighbors Model to decrease so FEATURE SELECTION should involve:
        • select the relevant attributes the model uses to calculate similarity when ranking the closest neighbors
    • STEP 16: Hyperparameter ‘k’ Optimisation
      • i.e. Increase the qty of nearby neighbors k that the model uses to make predictions.
      • Hyperparameters such as k are values that may be varied and affect the behaviour and performance of the model independently of the actual data being used to make predictions (impacting how the model performs without changing the data that is used).
      • Note: Whereas varying the features used in the model affects the data the model uses
      • Hyperparameter Optimisation Techniques is the process of finding the optimal Hyperparameter value for the best model
        • Grid Search
          • Steps
            • Repeat for different models (i.e. different qty of relevant features)
              • Select relevant features to use for predicting target column
              • Use Grid Search to find optimal hyperparameter value for selected features
                • Select subset of possible hyperparameter values
                • Train model using each hyperparameter value
              • Evaluate each model’s performance/accuracy at different hyperparameter values (i.e. at different k values)
              • Select hyperparameter value resulting in lowest MSE error value
              • Note: For large datasets Grid Search can take a long time
              • Note: Increasing k value from 1 to 5 caused MSE to fall from 26364 o 14090
            • Compare the resulting lowest MSE value for each model
            • Use the model (i.e. combination of features) with the lowest MSE
          • Expanding
            • Visualise different MSE value when increase k value from 1 to 20.
              • Between k 1 to 7 decreases from 26364 to 13657
              • Between k 8 to 20 no further decreases, just rebounds and hovers
                • Show behaviour in Scatter plot with k on x-axis and MSE values on y-axis.
              • Conclude that Optimal value of k is 6 (since results in lowest MSE value)
      • Observe difference in model performance with different hyperparameter values (i.e. try increasing from k=1 to k=5, and use features that resulted in best model accuracy “accommodates”, “bedrooms”, “bathrooms”, “number_of_reviews”
          from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
          from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
          hyper_params = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
          mse_values = []
          training_columns = ["accommodates", "bedrooms", "bathrooms", "number_of_reviews"]
          target_column = "price"
          for index, qty_neighbors in enumerate(hyper_params):
              knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=qty_neighbors, algorithm="brute", p=2)
              X = train_df[training_columns]
              y = train_df[target_column]
    , y)
              predictions = knn.predict(test_df[training_columns])
              mse = mean_squared_error(test_df[target_column], predictions, multioutput='raw_values')
          # [array([ 26364.92832765]), array([ 15100.52246871]), array([ 14579.59790166]), array([ 16212.30076792]), array([ 14090.0116496])]
      • Part 3 Change k from 1 to 20
          from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
          from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
          import numpy
          hyper_params = numpy.arange(1, 21, 1) # 1 to 20
          mse_values = []
          training_columns = ["accommodates", "bedrooms", "bathrooms", "number_of_reviews"]
          target_column = "price"
          for index, qty_neighbors in enumerate(hyper_params):
              knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=qty_neighbors, algorithm="brute", p=2)
              X = train_df[training_columns]
              y = train_df[target_column]
    , y)
              predictions = knn.predict(test_df[training_columns])
              mse = mean_squared_error(test_df[target_column], predictions, multioutput='raw_values')
          # [array([ 26364.92832765]), array([ 15100.52246871]), array([ 14579.59790166]), array([ 16212.30076792]), array([ 14090.0116496]), array([ 13657.29067122]), array([ 14288.27389659]), array([ 14853.4481833]), array([ 14670.83190775]), array([ 14642.45147895]), array([ 14734.07138089]), array([ 14854.55666951]), array([ 14733.16190399]), array([ 14777.97589445]), array([ 14771.12464669]), array([ 14870.17850985]), array([ 14832.59850963]), array([ 14783.5929683]), array([ 14775.59471699]), array([ 14676.94798635])]
      • Part 4 plot different MSE for k values 1 to 20 (with only 4 features)
          import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
          %matplotlib inline
          features = ['accommodates', 'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'number_of_reviews']
          hyper_params = [x for x in range(1, 21)]
          mse_values = list()
          for hp in hyper_params:
              knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=hp, algorithm='brute')
    [features], train_df['price'])
              predictions = knn.predict(test_df[features])
              mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], predictions)
          x = hyper_params
          y = mse_values
          plt.scatter(x=x, y=y, c='b', marker='o')

      • Part 5 plot different MSE for k values 1 to 20 (with only ALL features)
         hyper_params = [x for x in range(1,21)]
         mse_values = list()
         # All features except price
         features = train_df.columns.tolist()
         for hp in hyper_params:
             knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=hp, algorithm='brute')
   [features], train_df['price'])
             predictions = knn.predict(test_df[features])
             mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], predictions)
         x = hyper_params
         y = mse_values
         plt.scatter(x=x, y=y, c='b', marker='o')
      • Part 6 find best MSE out of all the k values 1 to 20 when using two features, three features, and more
           two_features = ['accommodates', 'bathrooms']
           three_features = ['accommodates', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms']
           hyper_params = [x for x in range(1,21)]
           # Append the first model's MSE values to this list.
           two_mse_values = list()
           # Append the second model's MSE values to this list.
           three_mse_values = list()
           two_hyp_mse = dict()
           three_hyp_mse = dict()
           for hp in hyper_params:
               knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=hp, algorithm='brute')
     [two_features], train_df['price'])
               predictions = knn.predict(test_df[two_features])
               mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], predictions)
           two_lowest_mse = two_mse_values[0]
           two_lowest_k = 1
           for k,mse in enumerate(two_mse_values):
               if mse < two_lowest_mse:
                   two_lowest_mse = mse
                   two_lowest_k = k + 1
           for hp in hyper_params:
               knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=hp, algorithm='brute')
     [three_features], train_df['price'])
               predictions = knn.predict(test_df[three_features])
               mse = mean_squared_error(test_df['price'], predictions)
           three_lowest_mse = three_mse_values[0]
           three_lowest_k = 1
           for k,mse in enumerate(three_mse_values):
               if mse < three_lowest_mse:
                   three_lowest_mse = mse
                   three_lowest_k = k + 1
           two_hyp_mse[two_lowest_k] = two_lowest_mse
           three_hyp_mse[three_lowest_k] = three_lowest_mse
    • STEP 17: Cross Validation
      • Previously Train/Test Validation technique tested the ML model’s accuracy on new data that model was not trained on
      • Other techniques are more robust:
        • Holdout Validation technique
          • About
            • Holdout Validation is a K-fold Cross-Validation Technique
            • Holdout Validation holdout validation is better than Train/Test Validation because the model isn’t repeatedly biased towards a specific subset of the data, both models that are trained only use half the available data
            • Holdout validation is essentially a version of K-Fold Cross Validation when k (qty of partitions) is equal to 2. Generally, 5 or 10 folds is used for k-fold cross-validation
          • Process
            • Split full dataset into 2x parts, usually 50%/50% (instead of 75%/25% of the Train/Test Validation technique) to remove some observations as potential sources of variation in the model performance:
              • Training set
              • Test set
            • Repeat section
              • Train a Model #1 (k-nearest neighbors) on Training set
              • Test the Trained Model #1 on the Test set to predict labels on the Test set
              • Error Metric computed to understand model’s effectiveness
            • Switch Training and Test sets and repeat the Repeat section
            • Calc Average of the two errors
        • K-Fold Cross Validation
          • Dfn:
            • K-fold cross validation, takes advantage of a larger proportion of the data during training while still rotating through different subsets of the data to avoid the issues of Train/Test Validation
            • Use 5 to 10 K-Folds
            • Since you’re training k models, the more number of folds you use the longer it takes. When working with large datasets, often only a few number of folds are used because of the time and cost it takes, with the tradeoff that having more training examples helps improve the accuracy even with less folds
          • Process:
            • Assign a new column to the dataset called “fold” that contains the Fold number each row belongs to (where number of folds is k)
                dc_listings.set_value(dc_listings.index[0:744], "fold", 1)
                dc_listings.set_value(dc_listings.index[744:1488], "fold", 2)
                dc_listings.set_value(dc_listings.index[1488:2232], "fold", 3)
                dc_listings.set_value(dc_listings.index[2232:2976], "fold", 4)
                dc_listings.set_value(dc_listings.index[2976:3722], "fold", 5)
            • splitting the full dataset into k equal length partitions,
            • selecting k-1 partitions as the training set and selecting the remaining partition as the test set
                # Iteration #1 of the K-Fold Cross Validation
                from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
                from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
                # Training
                model = KNeighborsRegressor()
                # Test set assigned to Fold 1, Train set assigned to other Folds
                train_iteration_one = dc_listings[dc_listings["fold"] != 1]
                test_iteration_one = dc_listings[dc_listings["fold"] == 1]
      [["accommodates"]], train_iteration_one["price"])
                # Predicting
                labels = model.predict(test_iteration_one[["accommodates"]])
                test_iteration_one["predicted_price"] = labels
                iteration_one_mse = mean_squared_error(test_iteration_one["price"], test_iteration_one["predicted_price"])
                iteration_one_rmse = iteration_one_mse ** (1/2)
            • training and validating the model on the training set,
              • using the trained model to predict labels on the test fold,
              • computing the test fold’s error metric,
            • repeating all of the above steps k-1 times, until each partition has been used as the test set for an iteration,
            • calculating the mean of the k error values.
                # Use np.mean to calculate the mean.
                import numpy as np
                fold_ids = [1,2,3,4,5]
                def train_and_validate(df, folds):
                    fold_rmses = []
                    for fold in folds:
                        # Train
                        model = KNeighborsRegressor()
                        train = dc_listings[dc_listings["fold"] != fold]
                        test = dc_listings[dc_listings["fold"] == fold]
              [["accommodates"]], train["price"])
                        # Predict
                        labels = model.predict(test[["accommodates"]])
                        test["predicted_price"] = labels
                        mse = mean_squared_error(test["price"], test["predicted_price"])
                        rmse = mse**(1/2)
                rmses = train_and_validate(dc_listings, fold_ids)
                avg_rmse = np.mean(rmses)
          • Note:
            • Increasing the number the folds causes number of observations in each fold to decrease and the variance of the fold-by-fold errors to increase. Let’s start by manually partitioning the data set into 5 folds. Instead of splitting into 5 dataframes, let’s add a column that specifies which fold the row belongs to. This way, we can easily select
        • Solution Part 2
            from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
            from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
            import numpy as np
            import math
            train_one = split_one
            test_one = split_two
            train_two = split_two
            test_two = split_one
            training_columns = ["accommodates"]
            target_column = "price"
            def get_rmse(X, y, test_training_cols, test_target_col):
                knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='auto', p=2)
      , y)
                predictions = knn.predict(test_training_cols)
                mse = mean_squared_error(test_target_col, predictions, multioutput='raw_values')
                return math.sqrt(mse)
            iteration_one_rmse = get_rmse(train_one[training_columns], train_one[target_column], test_one[training_columns], test_one[target_column])
            iteration_two_rmse = get_rmse(train_two[training_columns], train_two[target_column], test_two[training_columns], test_two[target_column])
            avg_rmse = np.mean([iteration_one_rmse, iteration_two_rmse])
        • Solution Part 5
            # Use np.mean to calculate the mean.
            import numpy as np
            fold_ids = [1,2,3,4,5]
            def train_and_validate(df, folds):
                fold_rmses = []
                for fold in folds:
                    # Train
                    model = KNeighborsRegressor()
                    train = dc_listings[dc_listings["fold"] != fold]
                    test = dc_listings[dc_listings["fold"] == fold]
          [["accommodates"]], train["price"])
                    # Predict
                    labels = model.predict(test[["accommodates"]])
                    test["predicted_price"] = labels
                    mse = mean_squared_error(test["price"], test["predicted_price"])
                    rmse = mse**(1/2)
            rmses = train_and_validate(dc_listings, fold_ids)
            avg_rmse = np.mean(rmses)
        • K-Fold Cross Validation with Scikit-Learn
          • So far we have:
            • Improved the K-Nearest Neighors model by changing features/columns used to train, or tweaking the k neighbors hyperparameter for optimisation
            • Accurately understood the model’s performance using K-Fold Cross Validation with proper quantity of folds.
          • Scikit-Learn helps quickly experiment with K-Fold Cross Validation
            • Instantiate instance of KFold class (simply returns iterator object ready for training and testing of models) kf = KFold(n, n_folds, shuffle=False, random_state=None)
              • where
                  n - qty observations in dataset
                  n_folds - qty folds
                  shuffle - shuffle order of observations in dataset
                  random_state - specify seed value if shuffle set to True
                  (value of 8 allows answer check using same seed)
            • Use cross_val_score function with KFold of Scikit-Learn to perform training, testing, and obtain Error Metrics for each KFold cross_val_score(estimator, X, Y, scoring=None, cv=None)
              • where
                  estimator - SKLearn model that implements `fit` method (instance of KNeighborsRegressor)
                  X - list or 2D array with features to Train on
                  y - list containing values to Predict (Target column)
                  scoring - string describing Scoring Criteria (i.e. MAE, MSE, etc see predefined
                  values link above) where single total value returned for each fold
                  cv - qty of Folds (provided by instance of KFold class, or integer
                  representing qty of folds in KFolds)
              • Solution
                   from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
                   from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
                   import numpy as np
                   kf = KFold(n=len(dc_listings), n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
                   model = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm="auto", p=2)
                   # MSEs for each Fold
                   mses = cross_val_score(model, dc_listings[["accommodates"]], dc_listings["price"], scoring="mean_squared_error", cv=kf, verbose=1)
                   rmses = [np.sqrt(np.absolute(mse)) for mse in mses]
                   avg_rmse = np.mean(rmses)
            • Explore different K Values for KFold where if:
              • k = 2 means Holdout Validation
              • k = n means Leave-One-Out Cross Validation LOOCV (where n is qty observations in dataset), where a Standard value of 10 is used
              • Note: when vary value of k from 3 to 23 and calculate RMSE value across all Folds and Standard Deviation of RMSE values we find:
                • Average RMSE value is found
                • Standard Deviation of RMSE value increases as qty Folds increases ``` from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score num_folds = [3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23]

              for fold in num_folds: kf = KFold(len(dc_listings), fold, shuffle=True, random_state=1) model = KNeighborsRegressor() mses = cross_val_score(model, dc_listings[[“accommodates”]], dc_listings[“price”], scoring=”mean_squared_error”, cv=kf) rmses = [np.sqrt(np.absolute(mse)) for mse in mses] avg_rmse = np.mean(rmses) std_rmse = np.std(rmses) print(str(fold), “folds: “, “avg RMSE: “, str(avg_rmse), “std RMSE: “, str(std_rmse)) ```

        • Bias-Variance Tradeoff
          • Previously we assumed lowest RMSE always more accurate, however model Error causes are Bias and Variance. Finding Optimum Model Complexity with Lowest Error by finding combination with Lowest Average RMSE value (Bias) and Lowest Standard Deviation of RMSE values (Variance) defined as:
            • Bias
              • Dfn: Error that results in bad assumptions about the learning algorithm
                • e.g. assuming on feature #1 (i.e. “accommodations”) relates to rental listings “price” leads to a simple univariate regression model High in Bias where Error Rate is High since “price” is affected by many other factors
              • Use the Average RMSE value as a proxy for a models Bias
            • Variance
              • Dfn: Error that occurs due to variability of a model’s predicted values
                • e.g. given dataset with 1000 features on each rental listing, where all features used to train a complicated multivariate regression model with Low Bias and High Variance (ideally want Low Variance, but there is a trade-off)
              • Use the Standard Deviation of RMSE values as a proxy for a models Variance
          • Note: KNN makes Predictions but is not a Mathematical Model since it cannot exist without original data. Linear Regression is however (an equation that can exist without original data). Bias-Variance Tradeoff is best applied to Mathematical Models
  • Tricks:
      np.sqrt vs math.sqrt:
          math.sqrt only works in single values, not DataFrames
      DataFrame stop bounds for slicing subsets of rows and columns

          i.e. iloc[row slicing, column slicing]
      [:5]            -> first 5 rows
      [-1:]           -> last element in list
      [:]             -> all elements
      loc - works on labels in the index
      iloc - works on the positions in index (only takes integers)
      DataFrame Copy vs Reference
      a = b           -> a and b DataFrame's refer to same object
      a = b.copy()    -> use DataFrame's copy() method
      Convert from Dict to DataFrame
      Overlay -
      Simple -
      Misc -
      Misc -
      Misc - Markers
  • Other guides
    • ML step by step
  • TODO
    • Testing and training
  • Bugs
    • in Introduction to the Data, it says I’ve got the right answer even if I just do print(dc_listings) instead of only displaying the first row as we are asked in the instructions by using print(dc_listings.iloc[0:1]). It should also suggest using read_csv since from_csv no longer has support
    • In the hint for “4: Euclidean Distance”, it says to use the value of 8, when it should say to use the value of 3 (i.e. accommodates up to 3)
    • In section “5: Calculate Distance For All Observations” What does np.random.seed(1) do? Without adding that line of code it appears to still randomise the ordering of the rows, and if I change the value of the argument it doesn’t seem to do anything different either (i.e. np.random.seed(0) or np.random.seed(None))
    • In “8: Function To Make Predictions” it says to “Sort temp_df by the distance column and select the first 5 values in the bedrooms column”. I think it should say “price” column (not “bedrooms” column), as we are taking the mean of the price column values
    • In “introduction-to-k-nearest-neighbors” I think it would be beneficial to incorporate a plot (i.e. using matplotlib library) after the student has cleansed the “price” column, since I think data science is better understood when at least some of the data may be visualised. i.e.
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      dc_listings_cleaned.pivot_table(index='accommodates', values='price').plot()
    • In “”, within section “1: Testing Quality Of Predictions” the following needs fixing: * The Solution code is wrong, the predict_price function is duplicated (appears twice), the first one is wrong, as the first line in the function should be temp_df = train_df * In the “Instructions” it says “…temp_df is assigned to from dc_listings to train_df…”. But I think it should instead state “…temp_df is assigned WITH from dc_listings to train_df…” so it’s clear what it means.
    • In the “4: Normalize Columns” of, the last paragraph before the code snippet is incomplete: “Let’s now normalize all of the feature columns in dc_listings. We’ll avoid normalizing the price column since we want the”
    • In “2: Hyperparameter Optimization” of typo “Let’s confirm that grid search will work quickly for the dataset we’re owrking…”
    • In, “2: Holdout Validation”, it says to use 5 neighbors, but it doesn’t specify what algorithm to use, so I decided to use the “brute” algorithm as we’d used that before i.e. KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='brute', p=2). I kept getting the error “The variable avg_rmse is greater than it should be”. It took me a while to realise that this was because the solution uses KNeighborsRegressor() with default arguments for the algorithm of ‘auto’. I think it would help to give students a hint to students to be careful when using the KNN algorithm argument (as I just thought we were to adopt values we’d use previously since it wasn’t specified)

Chapter 2 - Regression Process

  • Machine Learning techniques when trying to understand a process or system given observational data are easier to understand when the questions are not abstract and we break-down the question.
    • Example:
      • i.e. instead of
        • NO “how do the attributes of a house affect its market value”
        • YES “how does house size, qty rooms, neighborhood crime index affect its market value”
  • Processes
    • Regression Process is where trying to predict a specific real valued number
    • Classification Process of trying to predict a binary value (True/False)\
  • Example:
    • Narrow question
      • Problem (abstract) - How do the properties of a car impact it’s fuel efficiency?
      • Problem (narrow) - How does the number of cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration, and model year affect a car’s fuel efficiency?
    • STEP 1
      • Exploratory data analysis of some columns to find which one best correlates with fuel efficiency
        • Create a grid of Scatter Subplots (2 rows, 1 column)
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure()
            # Top Sub-Plot
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
            # Bottom Sub-Plot
            ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
            x = "weight"
            y = "mpg"
            cars.plot(x, y, kind='scatter', ax=ax1)
            x = "acceleration"
            y = "mpg"
            cars.plot(x, y, kind='scatter', ax=ax2)
      • Interpret the Model with Exploratory Data Analysis by plotting each Training column against the Target column ```
        • Purpose:
          • Machine Learning Model is “equation” representing input to output mapping by determining relationship between Independent Variables and the Dependent Variable
          • Linear Machine Learning Models are of the form: y = mx + b
            • where input x is transformed using m slope and b intercept parameters
            • where output is y
            • where m expected to be negative since negative linear relationship
          • Determine relationship between Target column (Dependent Variable) and Training columns (Independent Variables)
          • Determine how Training columns affect the Target column
          • Determine which Training column best correlates to Target column
        • Process of Finding “equation” (Machine Learning Model) that best “Fits” the data
          • Interpret Linear Relationship
            • Strong / Weak and Positive or Negative Linear Relationship / Gradient
          • Fit the Model to the Data
            • Scikit-Learn ```
    • STEP 2:
      • Scikit-Learn Linear Regression
        • Usage
          • Ideal for small to medium sized datasets
          • Used to Prototype and explore Machine Learning Models on subsets of larger datasets)
        • Fit the Model to the Data
        • Instantiate Machine Learning Model
          • Implementation
            • Instantiate each Machine Learning Model then Fit the model to a dataset
            • Train the Linear Regression Model
                # LinearRegression class from Scikit-Learn
                lr = LinearRegression()
                # Fit a Machine Learning Model to the data
                #   - where `input` is matrix with:
                #     - rows - `n_samples`
                #     - columns - `n_features`
                #   - where `output` is:
                #     - array of `n_samples` when predicting one output
                #     - matrix of `n_samples` rows and `n_outputs` columns when predicting multiple outputs simultaneously
                #   - Important Note:
                #     - Given say a dataset with 400 rows and 10 columns, must pass in matrix of 400 rows and 1 column to predict 1 column
                #     - Prior to passing `input` to the Fit function, convert the Series/Dataframe objects to a Numpy matrix
                #       first so Scikit-Learn can convert the input to a Numpy Object
                #       - WRONG Obtain Numpy array (400 elements) returned from Series using `values` attribute `df["mpg"].values.shape`
                #       - CORRECT Obtain Numpy matrix object (400 rows, 1 col) returned from Series using `values` attribute `df[["mpg"]].values.shape`
                #  -
      , output)
        • Make Predictions using the LinearRegression predict method that takes single matrix as the required parameter (n_samples x n_features) and returns predicted values matrix/list (n_samples x 1)
        • Plot Evaluation of Predicted Target value from training on known features vs Actual Target value
        • Calculate the MSE Error Metric for Regression to gain quantitative understanding of Models error (mismatch between the Model’s Predictions and Actual values)

Chapter 3 - Classification

* **Machine Learning Goal**
    * Understand relationship b/w Dependent Variable (Target Feature)
    and Independent Variables (Other Features), including the
    Maths function that uses Features to generate Labels
* **Supervised Machine Learning**
    * Types include **Linear Regression**
        * USEFUL when Target column we're trying to
        predict (Dependent Variable) is **ordered and continuous**
        * NOT USEFUL when Target column contains **discrete** values
    * Uses Training Data that contains a Label for each
    row to approximate the Maths function
* **Classification Problem Types** are solved using **Predictive Models**
where the Target column has a **finite** set of possible values that
represent different Categories a row may belong to,
where Categories represented by integers (so Math functions can describe
how Independent Variables map to Dependent Variables
    * **Binary Classification Algorithm** where Boolean values for options:
        * 0 for False
        * 1 for True
        Problem                    | Features                |   Type    |   Categories    |   Numerical Categories
        should we pass exam test?  | Score, Quality Level    | Binary    | Don't, Accept   | 0, 1
        what's likely blood type   | Parent 1's blood type,  | Multi-    | A, B, AB, O     | 1, 2, 3, 4
        of two people?             | Parent 2's blood type.  | class     |                 |

* STEP 1: Identify Problem
    * Example
        * Context
            * University admissions must decide whether
            to accept or reject student applicants, each having unique
            set of test scores, grades, backgrounds.
        * Goal
            * Predict using **Binary Classification Algorithm**
            if student applicant will be admitted to University.
            Predict by estimating the relationship
            using **Categorical Values** of
            the `admit` (Dependent Variable) Column based on
            `gpa` and `gre` (Independent Variable) Columns
        * Approach
            * **Logistic Regression** Model as
            the **Classification Technique**
            that outputs an **Output Probability value**.
                * Set the **Threshold Probability**
                * If **Output Probability Value** exceeds
                the **Threshold Probability**
                probability then assign Label of 1 to the row,
                otherwise assign Label of 0
            * **Logit Function** is used to represent the relationship between Dependent and
            Independent Variables (an adaption of the Linear Function applied to Classification)
            where the **Output Probability Value** has to be
            a positive real value between **0 and 1**
            * **Logit Function** parts must combine the following two parts:
                * **Exponential Transformation** (transforms values to be Positive)
                i.e. y = e^x (not restricted to a range)
                * **Normalisation Transformation** transforms values to range between 0 and 1
                (does not constrain negative values by itself when inspect plot y = x / (x + 1)
        * Data set
            * Contains 644 "Applicants" with Columns:
                * `gre` - graduate exam score (range 200 to 800)
                * `gpa` - average college grade (range 0 to 4)
                * `admit` - Binary (admitted or rejected) (0 or 1)
                    * The numbers do not carry any weight!!
        * Visualise the Relationship using Pandas between the
        Dependent Variable and Independent Variables to
        see which have clear Linear relationship
        * Plot Probabilities
            * **Output Probability value** for each row of a trained Logistic Regression Model
            is the predicted probability that each row should be labelled as 1 (i.e. True)
            * Predicted Probability is calculated using the `predicted_proba`
            by passing it the parameter of Training Features (observations) that we
            want the Model to return predicted probabilities for.
            Scikit-Learn returns for each input row a Numpy array with two probabilities:
            (probability that row should be labelled 0,
            and probability that row should be labelled 1, both results together add to 1)
                probabilities = logistic_model.predict_proba(admissions[["gpa"]])
                # Probability that the row belongs to label `0`.
                # Probabililty that the row belongs to label `1`. Returns Numpy Array of values at index 1
        * Predict the Target Columns value for each row of the dataset using `predict` method
        so we can see how well the model can predict the correct Target column value based on training on the data
            fitted_labels = logistic_model.predict(admissions[["gpa"]])
            plt.scatter(admissions["gpa"], fitted_labels)
        * **Accuracy** equation to determine the fraction of the predictions that were
        correct (i.e. where the Actual Target Column value `admit` matched the `predictioned_target_values`)
        to understand how effective the classification model was on the training data.
            * Equation
                Accuracy = # of correctly Predicted Target observation values / # of observations
            * **Binary Classification Outcomes**
                * **Accuracy** does not help discriminate b/w different types of outcomes
                like a **Binary Classification Model** can
                * Accuracy > 50% validates that the model used on the dataset used for training
                is better than just randomly guessing the Target value for each observation.
                * Accuracy == 100% when evaluated on its training set does not tell how model
                performs on data it has not see before (i.e. **Unseen data**)
                * Note: Since Logistic Regression model's output is probability between 0 and 1,
                we set a **Discrimination Threshold** to determine what observations to `admit` if the
                computed probability exceeds the threshold.
                Scikit-Learn sets the **Discrimination Threshold** to 0.5 by Default when
                predicting Target observation values (so if predicted probability is greater than 0.5
                it sets the respective row in `predicted_target_values` to 1, otherwise 0)
                * An **Accuracy** value of 0.2 means the model predicted 20% of the `admit` column rows
                correctly for the given Discrimination Threshold

                * **Evaluate Binary Classification Models**
                    * Options:
                        * Testing Model's effectiveness on Unseen data
                            * TODO
                        * **Testing Model's effectiveness on Training data**
                            * **Segment Binary Classification Model Predictions into
                            4x different Binary Classification Outcome Categories**

                                * Increase **Granularity** above just **Accuracy**
                                Prediction   |    Observation
                                             |    Admitted(1)          Rejected(0)
                                Admitted(1)  |    True Positive(TP)    False Positive(FP)
                                Rejected(0)  |    False Negative(FN)   True Negative(TN)

                                * where
                                    * **True Positive** - model correctly predicted student would be admitted
                                    (i.e. model Predicted the Target column row Positive, and was Actually True)
                                    (i.e. when Predicted Target column row is 1, whilst Actual Target column row is 1)
                                    * **True Negative** - model correctly predicted student would be rejected
                                    (i.e. opposite of True Positive)
                                    * **False Positive** - model Incorrectly predicted student would be admitted, even
                                    though the student was Actually rejected
                                    (i.e. when Predicted Target column row is 1, whilst Actual Target column row is 0)
                                    * **False Negative** - model Incorrectly predicted student would be rejected, even
                                    though the student was Actually admitted

                            * **Sensitivity**
                                * **Dfn** is the **True Positive Rate (TPR)** is the
                                proportion of applicants that were correctly admitted
                                and is used to find out **how effective model is at identifying
                                positive outcomes**
                                    TPR = (Fraction of students the model correctly admitted)
                                          / (All students that should have been admitted)
                                        = True Positives / (True Positives + False Negatives)
                                    * **Trade-offs**
                                        * **TPR Low** means model not effective at catching positive cases
                                        * **Highly Sensitive** model should be able to catch all
                                        positive cases (apply to detecting important things like
                                        cancer, etc). i.e. in healthcare low sensitivity could mean
                                        loss of life (i.e. if classification model only catches
                                        10% of positive cases for an illness then
                                        9 out of 10 people are going undiagnosed
                                        (classified as False Negatives)
                                        * **Low Sensitivity** (i.e. graduate schools can only
                                        admit a select qty of students into their programs and
                                        it is ok to reject many qualified students that would have
                            * **Specificity**
                                *  **Dfn** is the **True Negative Rate (TNR)** is the
                                proportion of observations that were correctly rejected
                                and is used to find out **how effective model is at identifying
                                Negative outcomes**
                                    TPR = (Fraction of students the model correctly rejected)
                                          / (All students that should have been rejected)
                                        = True Negatives / (False Positives + True Negatives)
                                    * **Trade-offs**
                                        * **TNR High** means model is good at predicting which
                                        observations should be rejected
                                        * **High TNR** means model is really good at predicting
                                        which observations/applicants to reject
                                        (if TNR is 90% and only 5% of observations/applicants
                                        were Actually accepted that applied, then it's important
                                        for the model to reject people correctly who would not
                                        otherwise have been accepted)
                            * **Fall-Out**
                                * **Dfn** is the **False Positive Rate (TPR)** is the
                                proportion of applicants that were incorrectly admitted
                                (i.e. were admitted but should have been rejected, where
                                `actual_label` 0 and `predicted_label` 1
                                and is used to find out **how ineffective model is at identifying
                                positive outcomes**
                                    TPR = (Fraction of students the model correctly admitted)
                                          / (All students that should have been admitted)
                                        = True Positives / (True Positives + False Negatives)
                                    * **Trade-offs**
                                        * **TPR Low** means model not effective at catching positive cases
                                        * **Highly Sensitive** model should be able to catch all
                                        positive cases (apply to detecting important things like
                                        cancer, etc). i.e. in healthcare low sensitivity could mean
                                        loss of life (i.e. if classification model only catches
                                        10% of positive cases for an illness then
                                        9 out of 10 people are going undiagnosed
                                        (classified as False Negatives)
                                        * **Low Sensitivity** (i.e. graduate schools can only
                                        admit a select qty of students into their programs and
                                        it is ok to reject many qualified students that would have
        * **Cross-Validation** - after training any kind of machine learning model,
        evaluate the model's accuracy on new data it was not trained on
        by testing a Classifiers Generalisability using Cross-Validation Techniques
        of splitting historical data into Training set (used to train the classifier) and
        Test set (used to evaluate classifier's effectiveness),
        since we want to use Training data (labelled historical outcomes for each output for
        the Target column row observation) to use to build a **Classifier** that returns
        predicted labels for new **unlabelled data** (since if we only evaluate the
        Classifier's effectiveness on the data it was trained on we can run into
        **Overfitting** where Classifier only performs well on Training but does not
        generalise to future data.
            * **Overfitting** may be apparent if Cross-Validation (i.e. before splitting
            into Training/Testing) with LARGE K-Folds causes the Prediction **Accuracy**
            to decrease when compared to say No Folds, which would mean the Model performs
            significantly worse on New data **Unseen**. If **Accuracy** was lower than say 40%
            then we'd reconsider even using Logistic Regression at all for predicting.

        * **Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) Curve**
            * **DFN** used to vary the **Discrimination Threshold** and calculate the
            TPR (Sensitivity) and FPR (Fall-Out) for each value by using the
            Scikit-Learn `roc_curve` function
            which calculates the TPR and FPR for varying Discrimination Thresholds until both reach 0%
            and takes 2x parameters:
                * `y_true` - list of true labels (i.e. Actual Target column values) for the observations
                * `y_score` - list of Models probability scores for the observations
            `roc_curve` returns 3x values that can be assigned all at once:
            `fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(labels, probabilities)`
            * **ROC Curve** allows understand a Binary Classification Model's Performance
            as the Discrimination Threshold is varied
        * **Area Under Curve (AUC)**
            * **DFN** Inspect ROC Curve to see how the FPR and TPR measures trade-off
            and then select an appropriate **Discrimination Threshold** based on your priorities
            * **AUC** describes the probability that the Classifier will rank a random positive
            observation higher than a random negative observation
            (noting that just randomly guessing converges to a probability of 0.5), such that
            the higher the AUC the Higher Accuracy of the model
            * **AUC** calculated using `roc_auc_score` function of Scikit-Learn
            * Custom Plot with text and arrows

NEXT - unsupervised machine learning and we’ll focus on a technique called clustering

* **Clustering**
    * Previously we learnt **Supervised Machine Learning** types (where we
    train an algorithm to predict an unknown variable from known variables) including:
        * Regression
        * Classification
    * Now we learn **Unsupervised Machine Learning** type (where instead of trying to predict anything
    we instead try to find Patterns in data)

        * **Clustering**
            * Usage: Machine learning technique to explore unknown data and understand
            connections b/w rows and columns.
            Typically **unsupervised learning** like K-Means Clustering Algorithm is used to explore a dataset
            when it isn't obvious where to start before trying to use
            **supervised learning** machine learning models
            (i.e. generate new columns that are easier to reason with to use later in **supervised learning**
            * Inspect the data for patterns that may help develop a machine learning model.
            One way to look for patterns is to use a clustering algorithm to create clusters, then plot them out
            To visualize how board games are clustered, we can calculate the row means and row standard deviations
            and then generate a scatter plot that compares the means against the standard deviations
            * Creating Clusters:
                * Group similar rows together.
                * Groups form the Clusters
                * Cluster inspection to better understand the structure of the data
                    * Reindex Labels
            * Example 1: Cluster US Senators based on how they voted

                * Dataset comprising results of roll call votes from 114th Senate
                where each row represents a single Senator, and each column represents a vote.
                Rows with 0 means No vote to the bill, whereas 1 means they voted Yes, and 0.5 means
                they abstained.
                Columns include:
                    * `name` Last name of Senator
                    * `party` party of Senator (i.e. D democrat, R republican, I independent)
                    * `0001`, `0004` are results of each bill's single roll call vote
                Senator perform a public roll call vote on proposed legislation
                to pass a bill to get provisions
                enacted. A majority vote is required to pass a bill.
                Typically Senators vote along party lines (i.e. in accordance with how
                their political party votes) for either:
                    * Democrats (liberal)
                    * Republicans (conservative)
                    * Independent (unaffiliated)
                * Goal is to Cluster the voting data to expose Patterns deeper than just party
                affiliation (i.e. some republicans less mainstream and more liberal than rest of party)
    * STEPS
        * Step 1: Load data from CSV file
        * Step 2: Explore data using
            * Values breakdown - `value_counts()` on columns of dataframe
            * Average value of column - `mean()` on dataframe column
        * Step 3: Find out how close rows are to each other
         by calculating similarity distance (Euclidean Distance) b/w each row (Senator votes)
         where the closer together the voting records are then the more ideologically similar
         they are (i.e. voting same way indicates they share same views)
            * i.e. calculate distance between Senator vote in 1st and 2nd rows
            `euclidean_distances(votes.iloc[0,3:], votes.iloc[1,3:])`
        * Step 4: Group together rows (Senator votes) closest to each other
        * Step 5: **K-Means Clustering (aka Lloyd's)** Algorithm
            * **Definition**: Partitioning the data space into Voronoi cells by partitioning n observations (rows)
            into k clusters where each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean
            and where the means are called the cluster Centroids. K-Means algorithm
            aims to choose Centroids that minimise the inertia (meaure of how internally coherent
            clusters are)
            * Create Clusters by specifying quantity of clusters upfront for the K-Means Algorithm
                * i.e. since we expect their votes to cluster along party lines, we suspect majority of
                Senators to be either Republicans or Democrats (so we'd pick Clusters quantity of 2)
            * Assign each Cluster a center. Calculate Euclidean distance from each row (Senator data) to the cluster center
            * Assign rows (Senator data) to Cluster they are closest to (lowest Euclidean Distance)
            * Train the model using Scikit-Learn `KMeans`
                * Note: Since we are not predicting there is no risk of **Overfitting**, so
                we will train the model on the whole dataset
                * i.e. initialise K-Means Model with 2 clusters and random state of 1 to allow same results to be
                reproduced whenever the algorithm is run
                kmeans_model = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=1)
            * Extract Cluster Labels after Training that indicate what cluster each Senator belongs to
            * Fit using `fit_transform()` the model to the the dataframe and get Euclidean Distance of each row (Senator vote) to each Cluster
            where the response is Numpy array with 2x columns indicating how far the row (Senator vote) is
            from each Cluster (the farther away the less the Senator's voting history aligns with the Cluster's
            voting history):
                * 1st column - Euclidean distance from each row (Senator vote) to the 1st Cluster
                * 2nd column - Euclidean distance from each row (Senator vote) to the 2nd Cluster
            * Initial Clustering
                * Example where only selects all the rows but only from columns after the first 3 from the dataframe when fitting
                import pandas as pd
                from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

                kmeans_model = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=1)
                senator_distances = kmeans_model.fit_transform(votes.iloc[:, 3:])
            * Explore the Clusters
                * Use `crosstab()` function from Pandas
                (takes two parameters as vectors or Pandas Series to compute how many times each unique value in the
                second vector occurs for each unique value in first vector.
                to compute and display how many rows (Senator votes) from each party ended up in each Cluster
                    * Given:

                    is_smoker =       [0,1,1,0,0,1]
                    has_lung_cancer = [1,0,1,0,1,0]

                    * Crosstab output

                    has_lung_cancer    0     1
                    0                  1     2
                    1                  2     1

                    where 0 is False, 1 is True
            * Extract the Cluster Labels for each row (Senator vote) from the `kmeans_model` using
            `kmeans_models.labels_` and then make a table comparing the labels to `votes["party"]`
            using `crosstab()` so we can compare and try to see if the clusters tend to break down along
            the party lines or not
                labels = kmeans_model.labels_
                print(pd.crosstab(labels, votes["party"]))
            * Analyse Output
                * Output:
                    * Indicates that both clusters mostly broke down along party lines since
                    1st cluster contains 41 Democrats, and both Independents, whilst
                    2nd cluster contains 3 Democrats, and 54 Republicans
                    None of the Republicans appear to have broken party ranks to vote instead with the Democrats, however
                    3 Democrats are more similar to Republicans in their voting behaviour than with their own party
                    party   D  I   R
                    0      41  2   0
                    1       3  0  54
                    * Find out why the 3 Democrats switched:
                        * Subset the dataframe using Pandas to only select rows where `party` column is `D`, and
                        where the `labels` variable is `1` (indicating the Senator votes are in the 2nd Cluster)
                            * Select all Independents in 1st Cluster (subset dataframe):
                                `votes[(labels == 0) & (votes["party"] == "I")]`
                            * Select all that were assigned to 2nd Cluster that were Democrats
                            assign to `democrat_outliers`
                                democratic_outliers = votes[(labels == 1) & (votes["party"] == "D")]
                                * Output:
                                            name party state  00001  00004  00005  00006  00007  00008  00009  \
                                    42  Heitkamp     D    ND    0.0    1.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    0.0    1.0
                                    56   Manchin     D    WV    0.0    1.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    0.0    1.0
                                    74      Reid     D    NV    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5

                                        00010  00020  00026  00032  00038  00039  00044  00047
                                    42    1.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
                                    56    1.0    1.0    0.0    0.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    0.0
                                    74    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5    0.5
                    * Plot the Clusters
                        * Create a scatter plot that shows the position of each Senator
                        as `x` (1st column of `senator_distances` Numpy array `senator_distances[:,0]`) and
                        `y` (2nd column of `senator_distances`)
                        and `c` as the `labels` (to shade points according to label)
                        coordinates (since distances are relative to the Cluster Centers),
                        based on computed `senator_distances` array that showed the distance from each Senator
                        the the center of each Cluster.
                        Shade each point according to party affiliation (so can quickly inspect
                        the layout of the Senators and see who crosses party lines)
                            plt.scatter(x=senator_distances[:,0], y=senator_distances[:,1], c=labels)
                    * Find Radical/Extreme Clusters
                        * Find the rows (Senator votes) that are furthest from one Cluster
                            * i.e. Radical Republican would be farthest from Democratic Cluster as possible)
                            * i.e. Moderate Senators would be between the views of the two parties
                        * Inspect the first few rows of `senator_distances` to find the extremes
                               [ 3.12141628,  1.3134775 ], # Slightly moderate, far from cluster 1, close to cluster 2.
                               [ 2.6146248 ,  2.05339992], # Moderate, far from cluster 1, far from cluster 2.
                               [ 0.33960656,  3.41651746], # Somewhat extreme, very close to cluster 1, very far from cluster 2.
                               [ 3.42004795,  0.24198446], # Fairly extreme, very far from cluster 1, very close to cluster 2.
                        * Create formula to find Extremeists (i.e. cube distance in both columns of `senator_distances`
                        with `senator_distances ** 3`
                        then add them together with `sum()` and `axis=1`, whereby the higher the exponent we raise a set of numbers to will mean
                        the more separation we'll see between small values and low values
                        (i.e. given [1,2,3], squaring it gives [1,4,9], and cubing gives [1,8,27]

                                * i.e. We cube the distances so that we can get a good amount of separation
                                between the extremists who are farther away from a party, who have distances
                                that look like extremist = [3.4, .24], and moderates, whose distances look like
                                 moderate = [2.6, 2]. If we left the distances as is, we'd end up with 3.4 + .24 = 3.64,
                                 and 2.6 + 2 = 4.6, which would make the moderate, who is between both parties, seem
                                 extreme. If we cube, we instead end up with 3.4 ** 3 + .24 ** 3 = 39.3, and
                                 2.6 ** 3 + 2 ** 3 = 25.5, which correctly identifies the extremist.
                             * Note: to cube every value in Numpy array `senator_distances` with `senator_distances ** 3`
                             * Note: to sum across every row we use Numpy `sum()` method with `axis=1`
                        * Store and sort Extremists
                            * Assign result of computing extremism rating to `extremism`
                            (cubing all values in `senator_distances` and then finding sum across each row)
                            * Assign `extremism` variable to `extremism` column of `votes`
                            * Sort `votes` on by its `extremism` column in descending order using `sort_values()` method on DataFrames

                                extremism = (senator_distances ** 3).sum(axis=1)
                                votes["extremism"] = extremism
                                votes.sort_values("extremism", inplace=True, ascending=False)
                                * Output
                                             name party state  00001  00004  00005  00006  00007  00008  00009  extremism
                                    98     Wicker     R    MS    0.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.24
                                    53   Lankford     R    OK    0.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.04
                                    69       Paul     R    KY    0.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.04
                                    80      Sasse     R    NE    0.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.04
                                    26       Cruz     R    TX    0.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.04
                                    48    Johnson     R    WI    0.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.01
                                    47    Isakson     R    GA    0.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.01
                                    65  Murkowski     R    AK    0.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.01
                                    64      Moran     R    KS    0.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.01
                                    30       Enzi     R    WY    0.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    1.0    0.0    1.0  46.01


    * Part 2 Answer:
        import pandas as pd
        votes = pd.read_csv("114_congress.csv")
    * Part 3 Answer:
    * Part 4 Answer:
        * Find Euclidean distance between Senator in 1st row and Senator in 2nd row
        from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances

        print(euclidean_distances(votes.iloc[0,3:].reshape(1, -1), votes.iloc[1,3:].reshape(1, -1)))
        distance = euclidean_distances(votes.iloc[0,3:].reshape(1, -1), votes.iloc[2,3:].reshape(1, -1))
  • Part 1 Answer:
      names = "mpg,cylinders,displacement,horsepower,weight,acceleration,model year,origin,car name"
      names = names.split(",")
      cars = pd.read_table("", delim_whitespace=True, names=names)
  • Part 6 Answer:
      pred_probs = logistic_model.predict_proba(admissions[["gpa"]])
      plt.scatter(admissions["gpa"], pred_probs[:,1])
  • Part 7 Answer:
      fitted_labels = logistic_model.predict(admissions[["gpa"]])
      plt.scatter(admissions["gpa"], fitted_labels)
  • Part 4 Binary Classification Answer:
      true_positive_filter = (admissions["predicted_label"] == 1) & (admissions["actual_label"] == 1)
      true_positives = len(admissions[true_positive_filter])
      true_negative_filter = (admissions["predicted_label"] == 0) & (admissions["actual_label"] == 0)
    • Multi-Classification Datasets
      • Definition: When 3 or more Categories in a column
      • Multi-Classification Methods:
        • One-Versus-All Method
          • Converting an n-class (in our case n is 3 since there are 3 Categories for the origin column) classification problem into n binary classification problems
          • technique where we split the problem into Multiple Binary Classification problems, and for each observation, the model will then output the probability of belonging to each category:
            • Positive case - choose single Category
            • False case - group the rest of the Categories
      • Example
        • Given a Target column origin in a dataset that has different Categories (i.e. 1 Nth America, 2 Europe, 3 Asia) in its rows (each representing a different car), we can use Multi-Classification to predict the origin of the car
      • STEP 1
        • Load DataFrame
        • Assign unique elements in column origin to a variable called unique_origins
            import pandas as pd
            cars = pd.read_csv("auto.csv")
            unique_origins = cars["origin"].unique()
        • Identify Categorical Columns that contain Categorical Values (i.e. cylinders, year, origin)
          • Note: The plain numerical values of year are unlikely to relate the same as they would if considered Categories of the Year so best to treat Discrete Values as Categorical Values in these instances
        • Convert Categorical Columns to Numeric values so they may be used to Predict the origin label
          • Dummy Variables used for columns containing Categorical Values
              i.e. Given the `cylinders` Column, where we have More Than TWO Categories of cylinders (i.e. 3,4,5,6,8)
              we need to create More binary Columns to represent the Categories
                  Create columns:
                      `cyl3` with values either TRUE or FALSE
                      `cyl4`   "
                      `cyl5`   "
                      `cyl6`   "
                      `cyl8`   "
            • Use the pandas.get_dummies() function to return DataFrame containing Dummy Binary Columns from the values in the cylinders Column, and pass the prefix parameter a value of "cyl" so Pandas prepends the column names to match the style we want.
            • Append the columns from the Dummy DataFrame to our Original DataFrame using pandas.concat() function
                dummy_cylinders = pd.get_dummies(cars["cylinders"], prefix="cyl")
                cars = pd.concat([cars, dummy_cylinders], axis=1)
                dummy_years = pd.get_dummies(cars["year"], prefix="year")
                cars = pd.concat([cars, dummy_years], axis=1)
            • Drop the previous columns from the Original DataFrame
                cars = cars.drop("year", axis=1)
                cars = cars.drop("cylinders", axis=1)
        • Shuffle rows
        • Split into two DataFrames:
          • Train 70%, and
          • Test, 30%
              shuffled_rows = np.random.permutation(cars.index)
              shuffled_cars = cars.iloc[shuffled_rows]
              highest_train_row = int(cars.shape[0] * .70)
              train = shuffled_cars.iloc[0:highest_train_row]
              test = shuffled_cars.iloc[highest_train_row:]
        • Using One-Versus-All we Train 3 OFF Models for each value in unique_origins using Logistic Regression (based on Dummy Variables created from cylinder and year columns) for origin Categories that are each Binary Classification Models that return probability between 0 and 1, such that when apply the OVERARCHING MODEL on unseen data it returns a probability value from each of the 3 OFF models. Choose the Label (output Prediction column) corresponding to the Binary Classification Model that predicted the Highest probability
          • Model 1 - where cars in the following places are considered as follows:
            • origin of 1 (Nth America) - Positive 1
            • origin of 2 (Europe) - Negative 0
            • origin of 3 (Asia) - Negative 0
          • Model 2 - where cars in the following places are considered as follows:
            • origin of 1 (Nth America) - Negative 0
            • origin of 2 (Europe) - Positive 1
            • origin of 3 (Asia) - Negative 0
          • Model 3 - where cars in the following places are considered as follows:
            • origin of 1 (Nth America) - Negative 0
            • origin of 2 (Europe) - Negative 0
            • origin of 3 (Asia) - Positive 1 ``` from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

          unique_origins = cars[“origin”].unique() unique_origins.sort()

          models = {} features = [c for c in train.columns if c.startswith(“cyl”) or c.startswith(“year”)]

          for origin in unique_origins:

            # Train 3 OFF Models for each unique origin
            model = LogisticRegression()
            # X_train - DataFrame containing just columns starting with prefixes `cyl` and `year` Binary columns
            X_train = train[features]
            # y_train - List or Series of Boolean values
            #           - True if observation/row value for `origin` matches current iterator variable
            #           - False if observation/row value for `origin` DOES NOT match current iterator variable
            y_train = train["origin"] == origin
  , y_train)
            # Add each Model to the models dict with structure:
            #  Key - origin value (i.e. 1,2, or 3)
            #  Value - relevant LogisticRegression Model instance
            models[origin] = model   ```
        • Test the Models we have for each Category by running the Test dataset against them to check their performance by running predict_proba Logistic Regression algorithm against each of the 3 OFF unique_origins to return 3 OFF lists of predicted probabilities as testing_probs, such that testing_probs[2] returns the probability returned from Model 2 for each observation
            testing_probs = pd.DataFrame(columns=unique_origins)
            for origin in unique_origins:
                # Select testing features.
                X_test = test[features]
                # Compute probability of observation being in the origin.
                testing_probs[origin] = models[origin].predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
        • Classify each observation in the Test set by choosing the origin (column) in DataFrame testing_probs with highest probability of classification for that observation. Use the DataFrame method .idxmax() to return a Series of predicted_origins where each value corresponds to the Column where max value occurs for each observation (row).
            predicted_origins = testing_probs.idxmax(axis=1)
    • Linear Regression to estimate rate

      • About: Compute and interpret statistics often used to measure linear models

      • Example: Pisa

      • Step 1:
        • Plot with scatter plot, and if appears to be Linear, then Linear Regression may be good fit for the data
            import pandas
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            pisa = pandas.DataFrame({"year": range(1975, 1988),
                                     "lean": [2.9642, 2.9644, 2.9656, 2.9667, 2.9673, 2.9688, 2.9696,
                                              2.9698, 2.9713, 2.9717, 2.9725, 2.9742, 2.9757]})
            plt.scatter(pisa["year"], pisa["lean"])
      • Step 2:
        • Identify key statistical concepts from Linear Regression Model using Statsmodels Library (Statistical Analysis) offering statistical measures for evaluation.
        • Use sm.OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) to Initialise Model and
        • Fit the Linear Models with data using .fit() method to estimate Coefficients of Linear Model
        • Since OLS() doesn’t automatically add an Intercept to Linear Model we can manually add a column of 1’s to add another Coefficient to Linear Model (so Coefficient multiplied by 1 and we are given an Intercept)
            import statsmodels.api as sm
            y = pisa.lean # target
            X = pisa.year  # features
            X = sm.add_constant(X)  # add a column of 1's as the constant term
            # OLS -- Ordinary Least Squares Fit
            linear = sm.OLS(y, X)
            # fit model
            linearfit =
          • Output:
                                         OLS Regression Results
              Dep. Variable:                   lean   R-squared:                       0.988
              Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.987
              Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     904.1
              Date:                Thu, 04 May 2017   Prob (F-statistic):           6.50e-12
              Time:                        19:56:19   Log-Likelihood:                 83.777
              No. Observations:                  13   AIC:                            -163.6
              Df Residuals:                      11   BIC:                            -162.4
              Df Model:                           1
              Covariance Type:            nonrobust
                               coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
              const          1.1233      0.061     18.297      0.000         0.988     1.258
              year           0.0009    3.1e-05     30.069      0.000         0.001     0.001
              Omnibus:                        0.310   Durbin-Watson:                   1.642
              Prob(Omnibus):                  0.856   Jarque-Bera (JB):                0.450
              Skew:                           0.094   Prob(JB):                        0.799
              Kurtosis:                       2.108   Cond. No.                     1.05e+06
        • Predict Residuals (errors) so they may be removed from the Linear Regression prior to esimatation, using linearfit with data X and y by subtracting Observed values from Predicted values
          • Printed summary contains info about our model. Understand these statistical measures with formal definition of a basic linear regression model that is defined mathematically as:
                  where ei∼N(0,σ2)    - is the error term for each observation i
                  where β0            - is the intercept
                  where β1            - is the slope
              Residual for the prediction of observation i is:
                  where yi^           - is the prediction.
                  where N(0,σ2)       - is normal distribution with mean 0 and variance σ2
               Model assumes that the errors, known as residuals,
               between prediction and observed values are normally distributed
               and that the average error is 0.
               Estimated coefficients, those which are modeled, will
               be referred to as βi^ while βi is the true coefficient.
               In the end, yi^=β0^+β1^xi is the model we will estimate
          • Answer:
              # Our predicted values of y
              yhat = linearfit.predict(X)
              residuals = yhat - y
        • Plot Residuals (errors) on Histogram
          • Histogram using Matplotlib’s hist() with bins parameter for the qty of bins of the residual to plot the residuals so can visually accept or reject the assumption of normality of errors. Basic approach of if histogram of residuals looks similar to bell curve then accept assumption of normality.
              # The variable residuals is in memory
              plt.hist(residuals, bins=5)
        • Interpret Histogram
          • Our dataset only has 13 observations in it making it difficult to interpret plot. Plot looks somewhat normal, the largest bin only has 4 observations. In this case we cannot reject the assumption that the residuals are normal. Let’s move forward with this linear model and look at measures of statistical fit.
        • Compute Sum of Squares (SS) for Model
          • Many statistical measures used to evaluate linear regression models rely on three sum of squares measures including:
            • Sum of Square Error (SSE)
              • SSE=∑i=1n(yi−yi^)2=∑i=1nei2.
              • SSE is sum of all residuals giving us a measure between the model’s prediction and the observed values.
            • Regression Sum of Squares (RSS)
              • RSS=∑i=1n(yi¯−yi^)2 where yi¯=1n∑i=1nyi
              • RSS measures the amount of explained variance which our model accounts for. For instance, if we were to predict every observation as the mean of the observed values then our model would be useless and RSS would be very low. A large RSS and small SSE can be an indicator of a strong model.
            • Total Sum of Squares (TSS)
              • TSS=∑i=1n(yi−yi¯)2
              • TSS measures the total amount of variation within the data
          • In aggregate each of these measures explain the variance of the entire model.
          • With some algebra we can show that TSS = RSS + SSE. Intuitively this makes sense, the total amount of variance in the data is captured by the variance explained by the model plus the variance missed by the model ``` import numpy as np

          # sum the (predicted - observed) squared SSE = np.sum((y.values-yhat)**2) # Average y ybar = np.mean(y.values)

          # sum the (mean - predicted) squared RSS = np.sum((ybar-yhat)**2)

          # sum the (mean - observed) squared TSS = np.sum((ybar-y.values)**2) ```

        • Compute R-Squared
          • R-Squared is Coefficient of Determination is a measure of linear dependence. It is a single number which tells us what the percentage of Variation in the target variable is explained by our model. R^2 = 1−SSE/TSS = RSS/TSS Intuitively we know a low SSE and high RSS indicates a good fit. This single measure tells us what percentage of the total variation of the data our model is accounting for. Correspondingly, the R2 exists between 0 and 1.
              SSE = np.sum((y.values-yhat)**2)
              ybar = np.mean(y.values)
              RSS = np.sum((ybar-yhat)**2)
              TSS = np.sum((y.values-ybar)**2)
              R2 = RSS/TSS
        • Interpret R-Squared
          • We see that the R-Squared value is very high for our linear model, 0.988, accounting for 98.8% of the variation within the data.
        • Coefficients of the Linear Model
          • Advantage of linear models over some more complex ones is its ability to understand and interpret Coefficients Each βi in a linear model f(x)=β0+β1x is a coefficient. Methods may be used to find the confidence of the estimated coefficients. In the “OLS Regression Results” we see summary of our model. There are many statistics here including R-squared, the number of observations, and others. In the second section there are coefficients with corresponding statistics. The row year corresponds to the independent variable x while lean is the target variable. The variable const represents the model’s intercept. First look at the coefficient itself. The Coefficient measures how much the dependent variable will change with a unit increase in the independent variable. For instance, we see that the coefficient for year is 0.0009. This means that on average the tower of Pisa will lean 0.0009 meters per year.
        • Assuming no external forces on the tower, how many meters will the tower of Pisa lean in 15 years
            # Print the models summary
            #The models parameters
            delta = linearfit.params["year"] * 15
        • Variance of Coefficients
          • The variance of each of the coefficients is an important and powerful measure. Coefficient of year represents number of meters the tower will lean each year. Variance of this coefficient would then give us an interval of the expected movement for each year. In the OLS Regression Results summary output, next to each coefficient, there is a column with standard errors. Standard error is the square root of the Estimated Variance. Estimated Variance for a single variable linear model is defined as:
              s2(β1^) = ∑i=1n (yi−yi^)^2 / (n−2) * ∑i=1n(xi−x¯)^2 = SSE / (n−2) * ∑i=1n(xi−x¯)^2

            This formulation can be shown by taking the variance of our estimated β1^ but we will not cover that here. Analyzing the formula term by term we see that the numerator, SSE, represents the error within the model. A small error in the model will then decrease the coefficient’s variance. The denominator term, ∑i=1n(xi−x¯)^2, measures the amount of variance within x. A large variance within the independent variable decreases the coefficient’s variance. The entire value is divided by (n-2) to normalize over the SSE terms while accounting for 2 degrees of freedom in the model.

          Using this variance we will be able to compute t-statistics and confidence intervals regarding this β1. We will get to these in the following screens.

          • Compute s2(β1^) (i.e. s2b1) for linearfit
              # Enter your code here.
              # Compute SSE
              SSE = np.sum((y.values - yhat)**2)
              # Compute variance in X
              xvar = np.sum((pisa.year - pisa.year.mean())**2)
              # Compute variance in b1
              s2b1 = SSE / ((y.shape[0] - 2) * xvar)
        • T-Distribution
          • Statistical tests can be done to show that the lean of the tower is dependent on the year. A common test of statistical significance is the student t-test. The student t-test relies on the t-distribution, which is very similar to the normal distribution, following the bell curve but with a lower peak. where T-Distribution accounts for the number of observations in our sample set while Normal Distribution assumes we have the entire population. In general, the smaller the sample we have the less confidence we have in our estimates. The t-distribution takes this into account by increasing the variance relative to the number of observations. You will see that as the number of observations increases the t-distribution approaches the normal distribution. The density functions of the t-distributions are used in significance testing. The probability density function (pdf) models the relative likelihood of a continuous random variable. The cumulative density function (cdf) models the probability of a random variable being less than or equal to a point. The Degrees of Freedom (df) accounts for the number of observations in the sample. In general the degrees of freedom will be equal to the number of observations minus 2. Say we had a sample size with just 2 observations, we could fit a line through them perfectly and no error in the model. To account for this we subtract 2 from the number of observations to compute the degrees of freedom.

          Scipy has functions in the library scipy.stats.t which can be used to compute the pdf and cdf of the t-distribution for any number of degrees of freedom. scipy.stats.t.pdf(x,df) is used to estimate the pdf at variable x with df degrees of freedom.

          • Make a plot comparing 2 pdfs of the t-distribution with different degrees of freedom. With the x variable given, compute the pdf with 3 degrees of freedom and assign it to variable tdist3. Then compute a similar pdf with 30 degrees of freedom and assign it to variable tdist30. On a single plot, plot x on the x-axis for both tdist3 and tdist30 on the y-axis.
              from scipy.stats import t
              # 100 values between -3 and 3
              x = np.linspace(-3,3,100)
              # Compute the pdf with 3 degrees of freedom
              print(t.pdf(x=x, df=3))
              # Pdf with 3 degrees of freedom
              tdist3 = t.pdf(x=x, df=3)
              # Pdf with 30 degrees of freedom
              tdist30 = t.pdf(x=x, df=30)
              # Plot pdfs
              plt.plot(x, tdist3)
              plt.plot(x, tdist30)
        • Statistical Significance of Coefficients

          • Use T-Distribution for Signficance Testing

          • Signficance Testing

            • STEPS:
              • State Hypothesis:
                • Test if the tower’s lean depends on a year (i.e. each year the tower leans a certain amount)

                  • Null Hypothesis - Lean of the tower of Pisa does not depend on the year i.e. Coefficient of 0 H0:β1 = 0

                    • Test Null Hypothesis using T-Distribution, where the T-Statistic is defined as t=|^β1−0| / sqrt( s^2 * (^β1) ) where ^β1 means hat symbol on top of β1 which measures how many Standard Deviations the Expected Coefficient is from 0.

                      • If β1 is far from 0, with Low Variance, then t is Very High
                      • In a Probability Density Function (PDF) a T-Statistic far from 0 has a Very Low probability
                    • Computing the T-Statistic of β1:

                        # Assume the variable s2b1 (varience of B1 computed earlier)
                        is in memory.  The variance of beta_1
                        tstat = linearfit.params["year"] / np.sqrt(s2b1)
                  • Alternative Hypothesis - Lean of tower depends on the year i.e. Coefficient is NOT 0 H1:β1 ≠ 0

          • P-Value

            • Given the computed T-Statistic, we now Test the Coefficient which is the probability of β1 being different than 0 at some significance level. If we choose to use say the “95% Significance Level” (i.e. 95% certain that β1 differs from 0) we simply compute the Cumulative Density at a given P-Value and Degrees of Freedom on the T-Distribution
              • Two-sided Test is used that tests for Linear Regression Coefficients:
                • If Coefficient is < 0
                • If Coefficient is > 0

                • e.g. If amount the tower leans X metres per year could be either Positive or Negative then we much check both possibilities at a Significance Level. So to Test if β1 is either Positive or Negative at “95% Confidence Interval” then inspect the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles in the PDF, since doing so leaves 95% between the two, then just take the absolute value and test only at the 97.5 percentile (i.e. Positive side) since the T-Distribution is symmetrical. If probability is > 0.975 then we can Reject the Null Hypothesis (H0) and say the year significantly affects the lean of the tower
                  • i.e.
                      If Tcdf(|t|,df) < 0.975
                          Accept H0: β1 = 0
                          Accept H1: β1 ≠ 0
            • Example
              • Do we accept β1 > 0 (i.e. beta1_test True or False) (i.e. by checking if pval < p)
                  # At the 95% confidence interval for a two-sided t-test we must use a p-value of 0.975
                  pval = 0.975
                  # The degrees of freedom
                  df = pisa.shape[0] - 2
                  # The probability to test against
                  p = t.cdf(tstat, df=df)
                  beta1_test = p > pval
    • Overfitting Identification

      • Overfitting is exploered here at a deeper level and introduced related terminology that you’ll see in other literature as well. So far, we’ve mostly dealt with supvervised machine learning models to solve regression and classification problems

      • Given the car dataset (i.e. where target column was say mpg)
          import pandas as pd
          columns = ["mpg", "cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration", "model year", "origin", "car name"]
          cars = pd.read_table("", delim_whitespace=True, names=columns)
          filtered_cars = cars[cars['horsepower'] != '?']
          filtered_cars['horsepower'] = filtered_cars['horsepower'].astype('float')
      • Bias and Variance
        • Bias and Variance are at the heart of understanding Overfitting.
        • They comprise 2 observable sources of error in a model that we can indirectly control.
        • Bias
          • describes error that results in bad assumptions about the learning algorithm. i.e. assuming only one feature weight relates to a car’s fuel efficiency will lead us to fitting a simple, Univariate regression model that will result in High Bias and High Error rate since a car’s fuel efficiency is actually affected by many other factors besides just its weight.
        • Variance
          • describes error that occurs because of the variability of a model’s predicted values. If we were given a dataset with 1000 features on each car and used every single feature to train an incredibly complicated Multivariate regression model, we will have Low Bias but High Variance
      • Ideally we want Low Bias and Low Variance but in reality, there’s always a Trade-Off.

      • Bias-Variance Trade-Off (BVTO)
        • Dfn:
          • Previously we learnt that Overfitting happens when a model performs well on a Training set but doesn’t generalize well to new data. A key nuance here is that you should think of overfitting as a relative term. Between any 2 models, one will overfit more than the other one.
          • Understanding the Bias-Variance Trade-Off is critical to understanding Overfitting. Every process has some amount of inherent noise that’s unobservable. Overfit models tend to capture the noise as well as the signal in a dataset. Scott Fortman Roe’s blog post on BVTO has a wonderful image that describes this tradeoff:

          • Optimum Model Complexity is where total error is lowest, Variance is lowest, and Bias is lowest
          • Bias error decreases with increasing model complexity
          • Variance error increases with increasing model complexity

          • Bias of a model is approximated by training a few different models from the same class (linear regression in this case) using different features on the same dataset and calculating their error scores. For regression, we can use MAE, MSE, or R-squared.
          • Variance of predicted values for each model we train may be calculated and we’ll observe an increase in variance as we build more complex, multivariate models.

          • Univariate simple linear regression model will Underfit, conversely an extremely complicated, Multivariate linear regression model will Overfit. The middle ground helps (shown in diagram of Scott Fortmann’s post) helps you construct reliable and useful predictive models.

          • Example:
            • Create a function for training the model and computing the Bias and Variance values and use it to train some simple, Univariate models.
            • STEP 1:
                    - Train a Linear Regrsesion Model using:
                        - Target Variable of "mpg"
                        - Training Column Features
                    - Use the Trained Model to make predictions using the sampe input it was trained on
                    - Variance computed of the Predicted values and the MSE between the
                    Predicted Values and the Actual Label "mpg" Column
                    - Return MSE and Variance (i.e. train_and_test = return(mse, variance) )
                    - Use train_and_test function to train a modle using only a Univariate
                    `cylinders` column, and assign resulting MSE and Variance to `cyl_mse` and `cyl_var`
                    - Use train_and_test function to train a modle using only a Univariate
                    `weight` column, and assign resulting MSE and Variance to `weight_mse` and `weight_var`
              • Answer:
                  from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
                  from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
                  import numpy as np
                  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                  def train_and_test(cols):
                      # Split into features & target.
                      features = filtered_cars[cols]
                      target = filtered_cars["mpg"]
                      # Fit model.
                      lr = LinearRegression()
            , target)
                      # Make predictions on training set.
                      predictions = lr.predict(features)
                      # Compute MSE and Variance.
                      mse = mean_squared_error(filtered_cars["mpg"], predictions)
                      variance = np.var(predictions)
                      return(mse, variance)
                  cyl_mse, cyl_var = train_and_test(["cylinders"])
                  weight_mse, weight_var = train_and_test(["weight"])
            • STEP 2:
              • Use the same function train_and_test for training a regression model and calculating the MSE and Variance to train and understand more Complex models
                  columns: cylinders, displacement.
                  MSE: two_mse, variance: two_var.
                  columns: cylinders, displacement, horsepower.
                  MSE: three_mse, variance: three_var.
                  columns: cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight.
                  MSE: four_mse, variance: four_var.
                  columns: cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration.
                  MSE: five_mse, variance: five_var.
                  columns: cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration, model year
                  MSE: six_mse, variance: six_var.
                  columns: cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration, model year, origin
                  MSE: seven_mse, variance: seven_var.
              • Note: When using whole dataset to train, it’s not necessary to Shuffle or Randomise the data order

              • Answer:
                  # Our implementation for train_and_test, takes in a list of strings.
                  def train_and_test(cols):
                      # Split into features & target.
                      features = filtered_cars[cols]
                      target = filtered_cars["mpg"]
                      # Fit model.
                      lr = LinearRegression()
            , target)
                      # Make predictions on training set.
                      predictions = lr.predict(features)
                      # Compute MSE and Variance.
                      mse = mean_squared_error(filtered_cars["mpg"], predictions)
                      variance = np.var(predictions)
                      return(mse, variance)
                  one_mse, one_var = train_and_test(["cylinders"])
                  two_mse, two_var = train_and_test(["cylinders", "displacement"])
                  three_mse, three_var = train_and_test(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower"])
                  four_mse, four_var = train_and_test(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight"])
                  five_mse, five_var = train_and_test(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration"])
                  six_mse, six_var = train_and_test(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration", "model year"])
                  seven_mse, seven_var = train_and_test(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration","model year", "origin"])
            • STEP 3: Cross Validation & Overfitting detection

              • Multivariate regression models you trained got progressively better at reducing the amount of error. Detect if model is Overfitting by comparing the In-sample error and the Out-of-sample error, or the Training error with the Test error. So far, we calculated the in-sample error by testing the model over the same data it was trained on. To calculate the Out-of-sample error, we need to test the data on a test set of data. We unfortunately don’t have a separate test dataset and we’ll instead use Cross validation. If a model’s cross validation error (out-of-sample error) is much higher than the in-sample error, then your data science senses should start to tingle. This is the first line of defense against Overfitting and is a clear indicator that the trained model doesn’t generalize well outside of the training set. Let’s create a new function to handle performing the cross validation and computing the cross validation error. ``` Create a function named train_and_cross_val that:
                • takes in a single parameter (list of column names),
                • trains a linear regression model using the features specified in the parameter,
                • uses the KFold class to perform 10-fold validation using a random seed of 3 (we use this seed to answer check your code),
                • calculates the mean squared error across all folds and the mean variance across all folds.
                • returns the mean squared error value then the variance using a multiple return statement (e.g. return(avg_mse, avg_var)).

                Use the train_and_cross_val function to train linear regression models using the following columns as the features:

                • the cylinders and displacement columns. Assign the resulting mean squared error value to two_mse and the resulting variance value to two_var.
                • the cylinders, displacement, and horsepower columns. Assign the resulting mean squared error value to three_mse and the resulting variance value to three_var.
                • the cylinders, displacement, horsepower, and weight columns. Assign the resulting mean squared error value to four_mse and the resulting variance value to four_var.
                • the cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration columns. Assign the resulting mean squared error value to five_mse and the resulting variance value to five_var.
                • the cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration, and model year columns. Assign the resulting mean squared error value to six_mse and the resulting variance value to six_var.
                • the cylinders, displacement, horsepower, weight, acceleration, model year, and origin columns. Assign the resulting mean squared error value to seven_mse and the resulting variance value to seven_var. ```
                • Answer:
                    from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
                    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
                    import numpy as np
                    def train_and_cross_val(cols):
                        features = filtered_cars[cols]
                        target = filtered_cars["mpg"]
                        variance_values = []
                        mse_values = []
                        # KFold instance.
                        kf = KFold(n=len(filtered_cars), n_folds=10, shuffle=True, random_state=3)
                        # Iterate through over each fold.
                        for train_index, test_index in kf:
                            # Training and test sets.
                            X_train, X_test = features.iloc[train_index], features.iloc[test_index]
                            y_train, y_test = target.iloc[train_index], target.iloc[test_index]
                            # Fit the model and make predictions.
                            lr = LinearRegression()
                  , y_train)
                            predictions = lr.predict(X_test)
                            # Calculate mse and variance values for this fold.
                            mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, predictions)
                            var = np.var(predictions)
                            # Append to arrays to do calculate overall average mse and variance values.
                        # Compute average mse and variance values.
                        avg_mse = np.mean(mse_values)
                        avg_var = np.mean(variance_values)
                        return(avg_mse, avg_var)
                    two_mse, two_var = train_and_cross_val(["cylinders", "displacement"])
                    three_mse, three_var = train_and_cross_val(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower"])
                    four_mse, four_var = train_and_cross_val(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight"])
                    five_mse, five_var = train_and_cross_val(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration"])
                    six_mse, six_var = train_and_cross_val(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration", "model year"])
                    seven_mse, seven_var = train_and_cross_val(["cylinders", "displacement", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration","model year", "origin"])
            • STEP 4: Plot Cross-Validation Error vs Cross-Validation Variance

              • Cross Validation lowers the MSE with the more Features that are added which is good since it means the model generlises well to new data it was not trained on. However as MSE decreases, the Variance of predictions increases (as expected since models with lower MSE had higher complexity and are more sensitive to Variations in input values i.e. High Variance)

              • Example:
                • Plot the MSE and Variance for model to understand the Trade-Off as the number of Features increases
                  • Generate a scatter plot with the model’s number of features on the x-axis and the model’s overall, cross-validation MSE on the y-axis. Use Red for the scatter dot color.
                  • Generate a scatter plot with the model’s number of features on the x-axis and the model’s overall, cross-validation Variance on the y-axis. Use Blue for the scatter dot color.
              • Conclusion:
                • Higher order Multivariate models Overfit in relation to the Lower order Multivariate models, the in-sample error and out-of-sample didn’t deviate by much. The best model was around 50% more accurate than the simplest model. On the other hand, the overall Variance increased around 25% as we increased the model complexity. This is a really good starting point, but your work is not done! The increased variance with the increased model complexity means that your model will have more unpredictable performance on truly new, unseen data. If you were working on this problem on a data science team, you’d need to confirm the predictive accuracy of the model using completely new, unobserved data (e.g. maybe from cars from later years). Since often you can’t wait until a model is deployed in the wild to know how well it works, the exploration we did in this mission helps you approximate a model’s real world performance.
Written on April 26, 2017